See the exact ads your competitors are running

Step 7 - Add our BeMob Postback to MOBIPIUM

Buy Website Traffic
Glad it helped
How do you tackle such issue? Is there something I can do?
for clickloss you should check websiteids first not countries , you will find sites with very high % more than 50% even more
Also you can check this guide by @Nick
To understand it , he explained all aspects of it , and how to minimize clickloss as possible
Glad it helped

for clickloss you should check websiteids first not countries , you will find sites with very high % more than 50% even more
Also you can check this guide by @Nick
To understand it , he explained all aspects of it , and how to minimize clickloss as possible
Thanks man, appreciated!

Apparently it seems that almost all of the website IDs have a clickcloss in the range of 30-50% :/
I guess the wise thing is to stop using this PopAds as traffic source? lol
Add our BeMob postback and tracking parameter to MOBIPIUM

We are going to add the postback from BeMob to our MOBIPIUM account so that whenever we get a conversion on MOBIPIUM, our BeMob account is notified of that conversion as well.

The postback link that we need is already setup within our BeMob account so setting this up is really easy.

First, go to the Pixel page on MOBIPIUM. There are 2 things we are going to update:

View attachment 20829

The first thing we are going to update is the actual postback URL (MOBIPIUM calls this the callback URL).

Your BeMob postpack for MOBIPIUM is already available in your Affiliate networks template for MOBIPIUM.

Go to Affiliate networks in BeMob and click on Mobipium and then the Edit button:

View attachment 6453

Click on the green Copy button next to Postback URL:

View attachment 6455

I’ve also highlighted the query string parameter in this screenshot, but you can ignore that for a minute.

Go back to MOBIPIUM and paste your Postback URL into the Callback URL box. Click the UPDATE button next to the box to update your postback/callback URL in MOBIPIUM.

The box below the one you just updated is for your unique tracking parameter. This is the highlighted box I showed in my screenshot above. By default, BeMob is going to pass the click ID automatically for us in our offer URLs with cid. So, we need to add cid to the unique tracking parameter box in MOBIPIUM.

View attachment 6456

Click UPDATE next to the box you just added cid to and your MOBIPIUM account is now all setup to notify your BeMob whenever you get a conversion!

We’ll be testing this very soon with hopefully many conversions :)

Now, the fun really begins. Let’s create our first campaign!

NEXT: Step 8 - Creating Your PopAds Campaign
Hi, in my Bemob tracker, for "Additional Options" in step 2 of the edit affiliate network, the was no "cid", but "trk"

Do I still use "cid" or should I use "trk" for passing the Click ID? I also see there is an option for "tid", I'm a bit confused what to set it as
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Hi, in my Bemob tracker, for "Additional Options" in step 2 of the edit affiliate network, the was no "cid", but "trk"

Do I still use "cid" or should I use "trk" for passing the Click ID? I also see there is an option for "tid", I'm a bit confused what to set it as
You need to use the same one one BeMob as you use MOBIPIUM. Either should work. I prefer cid.