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Official Referral Program - Paying Weekly - 25% Commission!

Can we use afflift logo if not doing anything spammy while promoting afflift we yes can you please provide as with a high quality logo image or vector thanks ๐Ÿ™

I guess this is a draft and you will be correcting the spelling - or is that intentional? [affilate- fotum]
Jeez, I didn't even notice. Yeah, will get that fixed :)
Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹ luke can you share some lead magnet idea to funnel customers? Sending facebook traffic directly is not doing good for me and if you can share some demographics of afflift ideal customers or other tips would be a great help thanks
luke can you share some lead magnet idea to funnel customers?
affLIFT most definitely performs best overall with people who already have some experience with affiliate marketing. Recruiting people who are brand new to affiliate marketing (don't understand all the concepts) makes it very hard to convert.

Sending facebook traffic directly is not doing good for me
I recommend doing 2 things:

1. Send people to Public threads (these are 100% accessible to non-paying members and are a great way to get people engaged. My most successful FB campaigns for affLIFT have involved these threads:

2. Retarget people who are engaging with your posts. You will get the most value out of your FB campaigns if you think of the entire process of getting someone signed up as a lead funnel and your Facebook Page is at the core. Get people engaged with your Page content and then steadily monetize them with affLIFT links.

Driving cold traffic straight to affLIFT does not typically convert great, but warming them up and keeping them engaged will drive conversions (I am seeing it every single day).

IMPORTANT: Most people will not convert on the first day that they register to affLIFT. If you are getting people to register, they are likely to convert within 30 days. Registered users get the same or similar messages as you get as a member. These messages tend to convert people over time. They also get my retargeting ads. If they registered under you, you get the commission when they do upgrade their membership, mo matter how much I've spent on retargeting :D
Thanks for sharing luke. can you please elaborate the retargeting part how can I retarget people when I have no clue who is actually clicking on my ad to watch public threads??
Thanks for sharing luke. can you please elaborate the retargeting part how can I retarget people when I have no clue who is actually clicking on my ad to watch public threads??
That's a feature in Facebook Ads. You can advertise to people who have engaged with your posts.
I just sent out another batch of referral payments. It's exciting to see so many members starting to see their commission snowball each month ๐Ÿš€
