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Need help with Taboola Ad


Super Contributor
Jan 2, 2020
so i just ran this offer in taboola, it is about amazon music 30 day free trial offer.

Here is the detail stats so far for this offer


Ad A
Which songs do you want to listen?
Unlimited access to millions of songs. Free for 1 month.
Cancel Anytime.
Creative A
Female listening an audio with the headphone
Cost: $33.64
Clicks -155
Conversion - 0

Ad B
Which songs do you want to listen?
Unlimited access to millions of songs. Free for 1 month.
Cancel Anytime.
Creative B
Male listening an audio with the headphone
Cost: $25.29
Clicks -114
Conversion - 1

Just would like to hear suggestions from folks about how should i proceed this forward, so i can make it profitable. Offer pays out $4.50. Is there any leg with this puppy? Would appreciate any help from experienced media
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