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January Contest with RichPush - $1,000 in Prizes!

I updated the list of follow along threads created so far. Create yours this week so you can get in our contest! :)

Luke, you don't literally mean "this week", do you? Next week would still be fine, right?
Luke, you don't literally mean "this week", do you? Next week would still be fine, right?
It's more of a statement to encourage everyone to get theirs started as soon as possible :) The contest does not end until February 9th so anytime before then would be fine 👍
Added a few more follow along threads posted last week. Make sure you get yours setup soon!
Today is the last day of the contest. Please update your threads with the latest from your campaigns.

I’ll be announcing winners on Monday and sending everyone their $100 👍😀
Thank you Luke for this great contest , a Lot of great value here
Happy to do it! We'll be doing another contest soon for sure :)

Sent out some of the payments. Just waiting on the other winners 👍
Got my payment too, thanks!
I'll continue using RichPush until I find what works for me. ;)

Received the payment! Thanks Luke for organizing the contest and introducing RichPush!
It's not easy to find traffic source that works, and RichPush works for my offers! :D

Good for you! Congratulations :)
Great to hear. I also want to thank @AdsBridge for giving the free annual Starter Plan to the winners as well :)