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Introducing Myself to the Afflift Community: Pay Per Call Expert Diving into CPL/CPA Campaigns!



Jan 21, 2024
Hi everyone!

I am excited to join the afflift community and introduce myself. My name is Puneet and I have been involved in the pay per call industry for the past 13 years. I have primarily focused on call-only campaigns during this time.

Now, I am looking to expand my expertise and venture into CPL/CPA campaigns. It's a new challenge for me, but one that I am excited about. I am hoping to gain support and insights from the afflift community regarding market trends, the demand and delivery side of the industry.

If anyone needs assistance or has any questions regarding the pay per call vertical, please feel free to reach out to me. I am more than happy to help!

Additionally, I am currently preparing to launch my first campaign in the betting niche using push and pops. I am hoping for a great start and ready to learn and grow with the community.

Looking forward to interacting with all of you and thank you in advance for your support!
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