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Guide How to Split Test BackUnder and Other Scripts on Your LPs



Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
A new follow along was posted yesterday and something was mentioned that caught my eye:

@sivricmarijan said:
Maybe I should also try adding ProPush, back button and onclick popunder scripts, in order to increase profits and decrease cost. But I am not sure if I should add this at the moment. I don'want to distract visitors too much. I also want to test the difference in CTRs and CRs with and without the timer (countdown).

This is a good point. You should keep in mind that scripts like BackUnder may distract the visitors of your landing page AND it definitely should/could have an impact on your CTR. If you're trying to test other factors (like the timer impacting the CTR) then you definitely don't want the extra layer of variables that BackUnder creates.

But, what if you could test them all? :D

Well, you can. And, it's pretty simple.

Here is an example of the code I would use:

// url params function
function getURLParameter(name)  {
    return decodeURIComponent((new  RegExp(name + "=(.+?)(&|$)").exec(location.search) || [null])[1] ||  "")

// get/set variable
var bu = getURLParameter("bu");

//  include backunder (?bu=yes)
if (bu == "yes")  {

    // backunder  variables
    var back  = 'https://yahoo.com';
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