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Guide How to Find URLs/domains & its connected WebsiteIDs for Popads



Secret Agent 🕵️‍♂️
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Apr 9, 2019
Popads is one of the most used PPV Traffic Source. and as it's used in @Luke PPV Guide , Many Afflifters are wondering How to find URLs of Specific WebsiteIDs,

Some of these Strategies are advanced and need mastering for some tools to get the most of it :) I'm listing here 6 Methods as Follow:
1- Using Similarweb and your tracker data to research for a specific WebsiteIDs.
2- Using Scrapebox to get a lot of WebsiteIDs "not specific"
3- Using CodeSearchEngines, to find a lot of WebsiteIIDs "not specific"
4-Using BuiltWith Data to get A lot of WebsiteIDs "not specific".
5-Using Adplexity mob/Desktop.
6- Using Zeropark Target Campaign setup to search for top popads WebsiteIDs.

1- Using Similarweb and your tracker data to research for a specific WebsiteIDs.
1- we can use Similarweb "pro Version" or you can try the demo version.
This method some kinda specific, you will depend on the referrer domain/referrer on tracker data for specific WebsiteID.
the more traffic this site have, the more chances you can get this Specific URL for this WebsiteId.


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