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Generating Low CPAs on Galaksion Pops


Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
Earlier this month, I decided I wanted to get aggressive on Galaksion and see if I could generate conversions at low CPAs using their CPA priced pop traffic. And, it worked :) 💰 👇


I'm very pleased with the US results, but I'm also seeing pretty good results in other countries. Obviously, I am promoting high converting low paying offers, but there is volume there and it does convert. Also, $2.13 CPM for US is pretty cheap considering the performance (in my opinion).

Last piece of info I'll disclose from these stats is the SA traffic is from a whitelisted campaign I setup where I am only targeting 10 high converting zones. Definitely some potential to setup whitelist campaigns once you narrow down your zones/targeting! 📈

If you're testing other pop sources and looking for someone you may not have run yet, try Galaksion.

If you're already running Galaksion, please leave a review:
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