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Creating whitelists on ClickAdilla and TrafficStars

BIG Conference


Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
I recently started working with ApproachX because they have an interesting dating flow.

I posted about it here:

Anyway, two of the traffic sources I am testing it on are ClickAdilla and TrafficStars (along with quite a few more popular sources like PropellerAds and TacoLoco).

The reason I am creating this thread is because ClickAdilla and TrafficStars both make it really easy to create whitelists from your RON campaigns and it's proving pretty profitable so far 😃

With TrafficStars, you simply look through your AD SPOT report:​


You should have this report in your tracker as well if you set it up properly.

Once you have some data, you can whitelist specific sites that are converting well for you:


This works well with traditional CPM bidding, which I know some of you are looking for specifically :)

With ClickAdilla, you will need to use your tracker data for the DOMAIN [DOMAIN] you are getting traffic from.​

Overall, the process is the same though. Run your RON traffic, figure out what domains/sites are converting best for you, and create your whitelist.


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