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Achieving 110% ROI: effective Ad Campaign strategies for Non-Mainstream Gaming in France



Jan 4, 2021

Think launching non-mainstream ads in the French GEO is a lost cause due to high competition? Think again! Today, we're sharing a successful case study in the gaming vertical using HilltopAds non-mainstream traffic.

The gaming vertical offers a vast space for creativity and experimentation, packed with fun and engaging content! You can create a small interactive ad that will surely deliver a high CTR. However, it’s important to note that some offers convert only with official creatives.

As for non-mainstream affiliate programs, one clear advantage is the lack of a defined target audience — everyone visits non-mainstream sites. While levels of engagement, preferences, and financial capabilities differ from person to person, the fact remains that non-mainstream sites cater to a broad and diverse audience.

Key Points​

Offer: Non-Mainstream Games
GEO: FR (France)
Traffic: Non-Mainstream High and Medium Activity
Ad Format: Popunder mobile
Ad campaign period: 12 august - 18 august
Revenue: $4,410.13
ROI: 110%

About the ad format​

When it comes to promoting non-mainstream games, Popunder advertising has proven to be a particularly effective tool. This effectiveness stems from the fact that these ads can be precisely targeted to the right audience. Users who are already engaged with the content are more
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