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Follow Along Casino + CD/Gotzha + Propeller Ads - Follow Along



Super Contributor
Feb 8, 2021
🎯 Traffic Source: PropellerAds CPC Format
🔧 Tracking Tool: Voluum
✅ Affiliate Network: Click Dealer and Gotzha
👍 Type of Offer: Casino/Gambling
💰 Offer Payout: CD-€13.50 (DOI) / GT-€6.7

Hey Guys, Welcome to my Casino Follow Along.
I asked both of my networks manager for Good casino offers on push. Got CA in common in both so I decided to try CA.
I tried looking for LPs on Anstrex, didn't find very many choices. A lot of repetitive once, but I was able to shortlist 5 of them.
Although all the landers are interactive landers, a couple of them are a lot less convincing than others, Like winning something on the first spin.
But I am still testing them since this is my first casino offer and I don't want works and what doesn't.

Alright so below is the screenshots of day 1.

Ok, so I did make two separate campaigns, one for LTE and WIFI. But after waiting for 2 hours and not getting much/any traffic (with recommended Bid).
PA support informed me that I need to increase the BID as well as daily spent. So I decided to test both LTE


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