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Follow Along Fight for victory❌(🤑money✔)with Adsterra!

Buy Website Traffic


Grandest Guru
Mar 6, 2022
Every contests is a good opportunity to push myself to grow and improve. Of course, I will not miss it.

🥓 Traffic Source: Adsterra
🔧 Tracking Tool: Binom
✅ Affiliate Network: Golden Goose+ Monetizer+Mobplus+MOBIPIUM+Zeydoo...
👍 Type of Offer: mobile content+sweeptakes
💰 Offer Payout: from$0.01~ 10$
⭐ Geos: tier2 and tier3
🎯 Goal:
1. Find some profitable campaigns on Adsterra.
2. Get a profitable campaign on social bar traffic.

🏆 I believe this goal will be successful because:
I wouldn't have created this follow-along if I didn't believe it would be successful.


I need a little time to make a plan, and I will update soon.

Although I know it would be easier for me to use propellerads and CPA price models. But I know that it is very dangerous to rely too much on one traffic source. So I hope to make some breakthroughs in mastering Adsterra through this contest.
the latest update: Perhaps it takes some time for me to make a profit through Social Bar, But I think I should make a summary of what I have learned from testing the social bar.

1. What do I have learned from Social Bar's test?
2. Tips on how to use Adsterra
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