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How much do different pop ads vary in performance?



Feb 26, 2024
I've been mainly running Zeydoo on PopAds -- most of their surveys have performed absolutely terrible for me (direct linking)

Whenever I try to optimize the campaign, I just end up getting rid of all the volume and at-best end up with a campaign making a dollar or two a day... but some other ones I just can't get green.

I'm pretty new to media buying, so I've tried to just stick with one ad network & one aff network...

Could it be a PopAds problem?
As in... Is it possible to have drastically different results with another ad network even with the same format?

Or is it... the broader issue of trying to just direct-link to the offer w/ Popups that might be better suited for Push or having an LP?
(I had worse performance with LPs on these offers in the past, but maybe my LPs just suck)

I am looking into setting up similar campaigns on other ad networks, but feel like maybe I'm just wasting my time with trying to promote something like a survey/sweep offer with pops.
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