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Monetizer Push Collection Landing Page



Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
I've recently had some problems getting my domains blocked using landing pages specifically for push collection (my follow along here outlines it in detail) so I tried to think about what other companies are doing.

As far as I know, Monetizer has used the exact same landing page the entire time that they've offered push collection. So, naturally I ripped their landing page using PureLander and tried it myself...


I've been running it for a few days now without my new domain getting blocked and collecting subs on RollerAds and ProPush :)

Since it's working for me, I thought it might work for you. I've attached the landing page code. Simply add your push subscription javascript to the header and any other scripts you want to use. I noticed Monetizer uses back button and 4 second meta refresh for people who do not immediately subscribe. I may test this


  • Monetizer Push
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