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Guide 🔥 14 Free Landing Pages with Integrated Backunder Script and Popup!


Staff Member
Community Leader
May 2, 2018
Since BackUnder script is getting more and more popular, I’ve decided to prepare a few landing pages that already have BackUnder script integrated.

This pack contains 14 landing pages.


All you need to do is look for link that has “#CTA_BUTTON” like this:

<a href="#CTA_BUTTON" class="mainButton">

And replace #CTA_BUTTON with your tracker click URL:

<a href="https://mytrackingdomain/click" class="mainButton">

Also if you want to show a popup on your landing page (Javascript alert), you need to call your landing page like this:

index.html?alert=Your message here!

(you can use ?alert=Attention! Or ?alert=VPN recommended! etc)

Also, at the end of each landing page you’ll find this code:

       var  cta = 'mainButton';
       var back = 'https://google.com/#back';
       var  under = 'https://google.com/#under';

Just replace 2 links ('https://google.com/#back and https://google.com/#under') with your back URL and under URL. You can put your fallback campaign URL here, Zeydoo survey, Monetizer smartlink.. Whatever you want. Don’t forget to add Propush code also!

Since all these landing pages are HTML, if you are looking where to host them you might check this out.


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