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Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

Are you still running one offer from NG to achieve this ROI?
I never said I was running an offer from Nigeria. I used it as an example for the tutorial, but I won't reveal in which geos I run successful campaigns ;)

I'm assuming your creatives are translated into the language of the target country? What service do you use?
If you spy with the tools mentioned the creatives are already translated.
$8 after spending $25 in your first test is gold man. Had you stick with it you might have been able to turn it to profit.

The first campaign I tested started at -70% ROI then moved to -40%, then 0% and now it's hovering around 30%. Just by blocking non-performing zones because there isn't much to optimize in terms of OS and browser with push traffic (the majority of it comes from Android and Chrome Mobile).
Did you reach 30% roi with your own prelanders?
Did you reach 30% roi with your own prelanders?
I tested both my own and TrafficComany's pre landers and both had positive ROI after optimizing. I prefer hosting them on my own though, as it gives you more control.
I tested both my own and TrafficComany's pre landers and both had positive ROI after optimizing. I prefer hosting them on my own though, as it gives you more control.
Im thinking to test just TrafficComany's prelanders and if its gonna be positive ROI then create some new prelander or i should i use my prelander from beggining?
Im thinking to test just TrafficComany's prelanders and if its gonna be positive ROI then create some new prelander or i should i use my prelander from beggining?
If you want to just try them out, use the prelanders they have and spend a little money to see how they work.
Yeah i guess i start with what whey supply, if i get to green then start testing with riped prelanders
Yeah. Even if you're not in the green, if you see potential with an offer yo might want to use your own landers :)
But for starters, it's great to have them available already.
Hello guys!

Can i check with you, when you are setting up the cost model, do you select :

"AUTO" ?

If the offer is having 80% share, do i just keyed in the same?
Hello guys!

Can i check with you, when you are setting up the cost model, do you select :

"AUTO" ?

View attachment 12053

If the offer is having 80% share, do i just keyed in the same?
The cost model in the campaign set up that's pictured in your screenshot is how you tell Kintura how you want to track your ad spend. If your traffic source supports a {cost} token then you'd select auto, otherwise, you can pick a different option based on how you're paying for the traffic.
The cost model in the campaign set up that's pictured in your screenshot is how you tell Kintura how you want to track your ad spend. If your traffic source supports a {cost} token then you'd select auto, otherwise, you can pick a different option based on how you're paying for the traffic.
Thank you for the clarification!
@Traffic Company Thanks for your nice IVR system, I just signed up today.
May I ask, how we can see the payouts, what can we earn from 10 seconds of call from ID counrty for example ?

@meannn First of of welcome to our platform! I hope you like it. As we make use of thousands of msisdns with different rates for users there are no fixed rates for the user and then logically also not for us. So apart from the dynamic pay out, cause of the length of the call, the rate is also dynamic. That's why we have created an API (which update the performance of each carrier every 15 min) where you can keep track of the ECPM per carrier. So if you open the API, which you can find in our platform, you can for example check the performance of ID-Telekomsel or any other geo/carrier. The API gives you a good insight of what geo/carrier is working well and what geo/carrier is down.
Feel free to add one of the Traffic Company Account Managers to your Skype.
Hi man. Let me see if I can help you with your questions.

3. No, if you select a pre lander you're not direct linking anymore. You're using a pre lander hosted by traffic company. If you want to host your own pre landers then don't select a pre lander and direct link to the offer page.

3a. Whether you select a pre lander or not with Traffic company, you need to set up that link as an offer in your tracker always.

5. If you selected a pre lander from traffic company you don't need to host the landing page yourself and you don't need a host/server either. You won't need a click URL either as that only applies for when you host your own landers.

6. Yes.

6a. No, create or download your own icons and creatives for your push notification campaigns. Using the pre lander pic for an icon doesn't make sense because the icons are too small. The image size for an icon in Zeropark is 192x192. Think of icons like the ones you have in your cell phone (Facebook, gmail, chrome, etc). Those are the type of creatives you need to use in your notifications.
Hi @servandosilva , so just to get everything straight, Kintura has 5 fields(highlighted) that need to be filled to create a campaign as shown below,

So you are saying, if we use the prelander from Traffic Company for an IVR offer, you wouldn't need to fill in the "LandingPage" section and just treat it as if you are direct linking an offer? As the prelander is included in the offer right?

But if you host your own landing page, then you WOULD fill the "LandingPage" section with a ClickUrl for the action button that leads to the offer.

Let me know if I'm missing something :)
Hey guys, can anyone confirm the above?
Each campaign in Kintura needs a route (what landing page/offer you're sending the user to).

For the IVR offers if you're using the Traffic Company landers that are hosted by them then no you wouldn't have a lander. You'd link straight to the offer. However, I'd suggest hosting the landers yourself for better monetization. If you don't Traffic Company is monetizing them and not paying you for push subscribers that sub on the landing pages.
Hi @servandosilva , so just to get everything straight, Kintura has 5 fields(highlighted) that need to be filled to create a campaign as shown below,
View attachment 15945

So you are saying, if we use the prelander from Traffic Company for an IVR offer, you wouldn't need to fill in the "LandingPage" section and just treat it as if you are direct linking an offer? As the prelander is included in the offer right?

But if you host your own landing page, then you WOULD fill the "LandingPage" section with a ClickUrl for the action button that leads to the offer.

Let me know if I'm missing something :)
Correct, but read Nick's recommendations above :)