Established in 2014, HilltopAds is a self-serve traffic provider that offers several types of traffic. Whether you want to try banner ads, direct links, pop ads, native ads, push notification ads and even video ads, HilltopAds has it for you.


Their top verticals are as follows:
  • Entertainment (34%)
  • Video (21%)
  • Games (12%)
  • File hosting (11%)
  • Dating (10%)
  • Downloads (8%)
  • Social (4%)
Hilltop Ads also provides different payment models, such as CPC, CPM, CPA, CPL, CPI, CPO and CPS.

One HilltopAds review stated that this is their favorite provider because it offers various ad formats in one platform, making it convenient for them to manage.

HilltopAds Advertising Formats

Push Notifications
One of the hottest traffic methods today, push notification ads instantly opens up in your audience’s mobile phone or desktop like an announcement. There is no need for the user to be browsing any website or using any app for these ads to appear. Compared to other traffic formats, this type sends almost zero bots since the user would have to opt-in to push notifications first before receiving an ad.

Their top countries for mobile are TZ, MY, PT, NG, HR, ID, PH, US, TH, IN, MX and DE.

For desktop traffic, their top geos are US, LV, DE, CA, AU, SE, ZA, GB, NL, DK and NO.

Video Ads
Another relatively new type of traffic is the video ad format. These ads play in the middle of organic videos and in the middle of games. The ad will play before the user is able to continue with what he is watching or playing, so attention to the ad is ensured. More and more online content is converting to videos nowadays, making video ads a viable source of traffic for advertisers.

Native Ads
If you want your ads to blend naturally in someone else’s website, native ads is right for you. Statistics show that many people are already developing ad blindness and are deliberately ignoring “obvious” ads. Native ads get higher click-thru rates because they are consumable content that work seamlessly with the publishing website, making the audience’s transition from content to ad smoother and unnoticeable to the user.

Pop Traffic
If you need high volume of traffic for your website, pop traffic is one of your best choices. Desktop users receive the pop-under version, which appears when someone visits or clicks on the publisher website. The user sees the pop-under ad when he or she closes the main browser. Mobile users, on the other hand, receive pop-up ads which appear on top of the browser they are currently using.

Direct Links
Like pop traffic, direct link ads allow you to receive high traffic volume at a cheap price. This is a cost per click ad format so you only pay when someone clicks on your link.

Display Banners
This is the most conventional type of advertising. HilltopAds offers a large inventory of banner ads in their platform.

HilltopAds Funding Methods

The minimum amount that you are allowed to deposit depends on the choice of payment method. It’s as follows:
  • Wire Transfer: $500
  • Paxum: $200
  • Payoneer: $300
  • ePayService: $200
  • WebMoney: $200
  • ePayments: $200
  • Bitcoin: $300
  • Credit Card: $300

HilltopAds Promo Code

Having several ad formats under one roof can be advantageous since you can test which of these traffic types work best for your offer. You can even get a 10% bonus on your first deposit! Just use the promo code AFFLIFT10 upon checkout.
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