
Hello guys!

We at Zeydoo are trying to test each offer, so we can give you a professional support on everything related to starting and running your campaign, from targeting to choosing the best ad creatives. What we prepared for you today is a small case study related to the most popular offer of October and November.

Fin Survey #1203 is an offer with a simplistic flow. The lead is counted when the user completes a survey (they do not even need to enter their email) after they get onto the thank you page. Such offers always have small pay-outs, usually less than one dollar, but it is compensated by their high CR.

Offer: #1203 Fin Survey​

Country: KE
ROI: 43%
CR: 3.12%
Profit: $94
Traffic Source: PropellerAds

To start, we ran a test offer on pop-ups for several countries – India and South Africa. We were choosing poor countries, where everyone wants to earn some money. The traffic went through a direct-link directly to the landing, without a click-through page. Later we added push notifications with a higher bid for South Africa. In the end, India did not pay off, so we decided to stop this part. Then we thought, it will be nice to broaden our list of countries, so we added Kenya and Nigeria. Kenya worked out the best way of all countries, so now we will tell you more about it.

First, we ran the offer without a click-through page, trying to compensate for it with high bids, but this strategy did not work out, so we had to test different click-through pages. We got to test four of them, all different – with an accent at a unique opportunity to earn money. You also must use a country flag and add a call to complete the survey like this:


We also tried another approach – a success story with a photo of a successful Kenyan, but the simplest one, with a flag and mentioning an opportunity to earn money, worked best. Here are some of the stats in Binom tracker:


and of course our PropellerAds dashboard:


How we were doing the tests and optimizations​

At first, we were running one campaign, then optimized the ZoneIDs + IP + states/cities + OS version. If it was showing some potential at least after a day, we were replicating the campaign with the settings already optimized, to make several instances (usually 2-5), to run them in parallel. All users that were not unique, were separated with a tracker and sent as a rotation to a direct link for a survey, using simple click-through pages like this one:


Also, we tried out the bright theme:


Here is how we setup the split test for the landing pages in our tracker:


All tests were conducted via CPA goal with the bid of $0.01. If the GEO was allowed to set more (for example, KE had $0.10 on start), CPA was set as half of the payout (~0.05$).

Case study results​

The results were really pleasant. For such offers with a simplistic flow, the most important thing is to find the right GEO and get maximum conversion. The biggest impact on a good CR make your ad creatives and a click-through page. Do not forget, that it is the pre-lander that heats the user up and motivates them to reach the end of the funnel, whether it is a survey or a purchase. You should always test several ad creatives, because you never know, which one will give the best effect!
Good luck with all your offers!