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What do you use to build your mobile landers?

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Super Contributor
Oct 4, 2019
I've been running direct linking campaigns and it's getting bit boring so I decided to create some mobile-only pre-landers and realized that even if I have some basic html, css, js knowledge, I have no clue how to create a good lander.

I really am a fan of easy to use builders with GUI so at first I tried software like Nicepage, but the problem was that the output css file was huge, and only after using one of the free online services to remove unused css code reduced the size to acceptable level.

I decided I want to make it even smaller, so I decided to create the lander from a scratch using one of the CSS frameworks. After some googling I decided to use "purecss" due to it's small size and ease of use. Well not really "ease" as it took me hours to refresh my html/css skills, and after lander was ready and uploaded to AWS and tested the result was disappointing so to say: CTR = 2% (pop. Not sure what are the average CTRs of landers on pop anyway?). Not sure if this is because it really sucked, or more probably i just did some
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