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What bidding strategy do you follow?

OfferGate - Sooooo many offers for your traffic


Super Contributor
Jun 30, 2018
Hi all,

When you bid in CPM pricing model for a POP/CPV offer what strategy do you follow?

PropellerAds shows the minimum, recommended and the maximum CPM bid value for particular targeting & options setting. Some traffic source like PopCash.net don't show those values. You just have to guess the CPM value for yourself.

Do you start with the minimum bid or do you start with the recommend bid shown from the traffic sources? (In case of traffic sources which shows the min, max and recommended values)

What do you do for the traffic sources which don't show the min, max and recommended values?

What factors do you consider for the first bidding values? How do you optimize your bidding as the campaign progresses?

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