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Virus Total Flagging frenzy-Voluum+others


Super Contributor
May 10, 2018
Hi, after having some offer rejected for VT flagging I took chance to check all of my offers to learn more about the subject. I m hearing everyday more horror stories from networks and affiliates and frankly I suspect the whole world of flagging is strongly biased towards those that have interest in selling domains, security solutions and overall keeping the free independent advertisers world under control.
That said, keeping issues under my personal daily routine what I see is

1-my dedicated domain ( not the custom the dedicated ) of voluum, 5 days old one is NOT flagged. Direct offers in Voluum are NOT flagged BUT tracking link ( that is domain+offer link ) is flagged ....how can this be ? Redirects ? But redirects shouldnt happen also when I check the direct offer domain ?!
2-most of campaigns in Voluum and any other tracker are flagged

How should then results in VT be read and evaluated ? Whats the PRAGMATICAL threshold a domain should be trashed and why the h..l networks don't have an automatic solution that clears their offer warehouse up from plagued offers ( its a rhetoric question, its because they
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