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Guide Tutorial Step-By-Step: how to create and host your landing page, the right way on amazon AWS.

Do you suggest using AmazonAWS for larger websites as well as domains and landing pages? Or is a more traditional hosting service like HostGator better for websites (say 10 pages)?
Do you suggest using AmazonAWS for larger websites as well as domains and landing pages? Or is a more traditional hosting service like HostGator better for websites (say 10 pages)?

If you are planning to host big website on amazon gonna cost you a lot..i have been there and bcz of huge cost i was incurring, finally moved to low cost hosting like rackspace or linode
Do you suggest using AmazonAWS for larger websites as well as domains and landing pages? Or is a more traditional hosting service like HostGator better for websites (say 10 pages)?
if the website is only static files like landing pages, means only html, css, js, you can use amazon backets no problems, but if the website is wordpress for example, you can't host it there, cus you have php and mysql and all that things.

If you are planning to host big website on amazon gonna cost you a lot..i have been there and bcz of huge cost i was incurring, finally moved to low cost hosting like rackspace or linode
the problem if it's dynamic website it will not work with amazon backets.
they have their servers/VPS but they are expensive compared to linode and vultr and others.
if the website is only static files like landing pages, means only html, css, js, you can use amazon backets no problems, but if the website is wordpress for example, you can't host it there, cus you have php and mysql and all that things.

the problem if it's dynamic website it will not work with amazon backets.
they have their servers/VPS but they are expensive compared to linode and vultr and others.
Thanks Tyoussef

Anyone has a video how to use Purelander's page ripper to rip a survey lander and edit it for our use? I'm a noob .. so I see the source code and don't know what to edit.

Anyway the ripper is so cool ..


@Tyoussef great tutorial. I am definitely going to sign up for purelander. Is there any way you can explain or direct me to how I can make the LP https I noticed that in your tutorial ur lp is http is there an economical way to add the security certificate?

Anyone has a video how to use Purelander's page ripper to rip a survey lander and edit it for our use? I'm a noob .. so I see the source code and don't know what to edit.

Anyway the ripper is so cool ..


I am sure @Tyoussef is working on a video :)

@Tyoussef great tutorial. I am definitely going to sign up for purelander. Is there any way you can explain or direct me to how I can make the LP https I noticed that in your tutorial ur lp is http is there an economical way to add the security certificate?
I recommend using for https (free) :)
Hello Afflifters.

Sorry for the late, finally i have made the first part of the tutorial that is going to cover everything you need to know about landing pages and PureLander, i mean everything.

The tutorial is divided into 2 parts :
- the first part is going to be about amazon aws.
- the second part is going to be about using VPS from vultr and install everything in it.

This is the first part, and it has everything you need to know about amazon AWS, and it's powerful and super cheap.

1 - Create your landing page using PureLander Quickly.

2 - Create an Amazon AWS bucket and make it public and upload your landing page in it.

3 - Add CDN to your amazon bucket and buy a domain name from namecheap and use it asa custom domain name for your landing pages, and how to to host multiple landing pages in one domain name.

And please feel free to leave your questions bellow :love::love::).

@Tyoussef, Can you guys please tell me about the plan I need to choose from AWS? Any link or description of it?
@Tyoussef great tutorial. I am definitely going to sign up for purelander. Is there any way you can explain or direct me to how I can make the LP https I noticed that in your tutorial ur lp is http is there an economical way to add the security certificate?
am going to explain that too in the next tutorials.
@Tyoussef, Can you guys please tell me about the plan I need to choose from AWS? Any link or description of it?
no need to choose a plan ?.
do you see any ?.
all you have to do is sign up in Amazon AWS, they have a lot of services including buckets and CloudFront that we are using.
then follow the video tutorial.

Anyone has a video how to use Purelander's page ripper to rip a survey lander and edit it for our use? I'm a noob .. so I see the source code and don't know what to edit.

Anyway the ripper is so cool ..



we have started integration some new sweepstakes landing pages there.
you will not need to rip anything :).
we are going to integrate many more this week.
I do have to say for the price point PureLander is great. I do have issues with questionnaire landers that I rip from httracker and try to upload to it but since I know a little coding I was able to finish up the lander in Dreamweaver. The great thing about it I think is the java scripts. I was able to implement a countdown in like 30 seconds.

Now to figure out the location javascript. :)
I do have to say for the price point PureLander is great. I do have issues with questionnaire landers that I rip from httracker and try to upload to it but since I know a little coding I was able to finish up the lander in Dreamweaver. The great thing about it I think is the java scripts. I was able to implement a countdown in like 30 seconds.

Now to figure out the location javascript. :)
amazing, speed does matter in running cpa campaigns.
you don't have to, just create another folder in the bucket instead, that's the best practice.

Do you have a guide on how to clean those ripped landing page? When I rip a landing page using purelander I see many weird writing in the HTML. Is there anyway to clean it so that it appears as normal HTML?
Hey @iluvgo - @Nick blog has a good tut on cleaning landers also Charles Ngo blog have a tut on it. I noticed that also though. They add the span tag in a lot of places - sometime you have to just update your css if you know how to program a little and that will clean it up.
While creating a distribution in Cloudfront I am getting this error consistently. Can anyone please help me with this issue @Luke @Tyoussef? To add an alternate domain name (CNAME) to a CloudFront distribution, you must attach a trusted certificate that validates your authorization to use the domain name. For more details, see: (Service: AmazonCloudFront; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidViewerCertificate; Request ID: b8d6887f-630e-11e9-8259-9b1c83be8bf1)
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Hey @iluvgo - @Nick blog has a good tut on cleaning landers also Charles Ngo blog have a tut on it. I noticed that also though. They add the span tag in a lot of places - sometime you have to just update your css if you know how to program a little and that will clean it up.

I am not a programmer. So it might be good to hire some freelancer to do this. Is there a freelancer for hire section on this forum @Luke?
When i try to press "Create distribution" so I can change my Cname I get an error asking for a trust certificate, is this normal? Because I didn't see it ask for that in the tutorial. " To add an alternate domain name (CNAME) to a CloudFront distribution, you must attach a trusted certificate that validates your authorization to use the domain name. For more details, see: (Service: AmazonCloudFront; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidViewerCertificate; Request ID: e1477b12-6475-11e9-8259-9b1c83be8bf1) "