
Guide Tutorial Step-By-Step: how to create and host your landing page, the right way on amazon AWS.

When i try to press "Create distribution" so I can change my Cname I get an error asking for a trust certificate, is this normal? Because I didn't see it ask for that in the tutorial. "com.amazonaws.services.cloudfront.model.InvalidViewerCertificateException: To add an alternate domain name (CNAME) to a CloudFront distribution, you must attach a trusted certificate that validates your authorization to use the domain name. For more details, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonC...AMEs.html#alternate-domain-names-requirements (Service: AmazonCloudFront; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidViewerCertificate; Request ID: e1477b12-6475-11e9-8259-9b1c83be8bf1) "

I am too seeking the resolution for the same problem...
I am not a programmer. So it might be good to hire some freelancer to do this. Is there a freelancer for hire section on this forum @Luke?
No, but you are welcome to post in the Landing Pages section that you are looking to hire someone to help you with yours.
Request a free cert from Amazon (free as long as you use AWS) here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/gs-acm-request-public.html#request-public-console

Then just validate it. I did it via DNS Validation:. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/gs-acm-validate-dns.html

**Update** If you were in the middle of setting up a bucket for distribution when you set up the certificate - you may not see the cert on that page once it's available. Even reloading the page didn't work for me - I had to cancel out & start a new cloudfrount distribution - then the cert was there to choose from.
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Here is another thread by @Nick it solves the problem step by step https://nicklenihan.com/amazon-s3-cloudfront-host-landing-pages-cpa-affiliate/
my amazon aws account has some limitation problems, I can't add more distribution am contacting them to increase that, once my account is okay I will shoot the video about this.

@Tyoussef - Thank you for the videos - they are very well done & extremely helpful.

@Nick - that's a fantastic guide on how to do this.
BTW - I had the exact same issue that Lee had in your comments on that page. If you started the setup before the cert was validated - it won't let you select the "custom" radio button. So you have to start the setup after the cert is approved (the screen flow really makes it seem like you can setup the cert - while in mid setup of the deployment - but you can't.
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Hey guys,

I've managed to do the same (i.e. hosting landing pages on cloud storage hosting) with Microsoft Azure Storage accounts. I've made a video about it if anyone's interested. Overall it's very similar to hosting landing pages in AWS (very cheap and convenient).
@Tyoussef - Thank you for the videos - they are very well done & extremely helpful.

@Nick - that's a fantastic guide on how to do this.
BTW - I had the exact same issue that Lee had in your comments on that page. If you started the setup before the cert was validated - it won't let you select the "custom" radio button. So you have to start the setup after the cert is approved (the screen flow really makes it seem like you can setup the cert - while in mid setup of the deployment - but you can't.

I’ll update the tutorial making that clear. Thanks for letting me know how this issue is caused because I couldn’t reproduce it.
Hey guys,

I've managed to do the same (i.e. hosting landing pages on cloud storage hosting) with Microsoft Azure Storage accounts. I've made a video about it if anyone's interested. Overall it's very similar to hosting landing pages in AWS (very cheap and convenient).
great guide @aguysomewhere about Microsoft Azure Storage
HI, Guys, I have some affiliate products with landing pages. Given that fast page load speed is extremely important and that it must work really well on mobile, have you looked into load speed and what theme do you use? I am using Wordpress and Divi (very well supported, functionally rich) but am looking at other themes that will create ultra fast page load times. Am keen to hear what you're using and why :)
More often than not, raw HTML/CSS will be faster than a Wordpress theme if you can manage to make your pages like that.
More often than not, raw HTML/CSS will be faster than a Wordpress theme if you can manage to make your pages like that.
absolutely, but creating a responsive beautiful page with button etc would be a painful job, i coded my first site in 1998 using notepad when life was much simpler :) Wouldn't want to do it now though :)
HI, Guys, I have some affiliate products with landing pages. Given that fast page load speed is extremely important and that it must work really well on mobile, have you looked into load speed and what theme do you use? I am using Wordpress and Divi (very well supported, functionally rich) but am looking at other themes that will create ultra fast page load times. Am keen to hear what you're using and why :)

I love Divi too. You should try designing your page with Divi, and then browse it and 'rip' its html source and host it as a static page.

This way you'd get the flexibility of the Divi designer, and the performance and low hosting cost of a static page :)
HI, Guys, I have some affiliate products with landing pages. Given that fast page load speed is extremely important and that it must work really well on mobile, have you looked into load speed and what theme do you use? I am using Wordpress and Divi (very well supported, functionally rich) but am looking at other themes that will create ultra fast page load times. Am keen to hear what you're using and why :)
I don't think using WordPress in CPA is a good thing to do, you gonna need CDN that will cash all of your static content for the ultra speed as you call it.
More often than not, raw HTML/CSS will be faster than a Wordpress theme if you can manage to make your pages like that.
that's true nick, WordPress is a lousy deal when it comes to CPA.

absolutely, but creating a responsive beautiful page with button etc would be a painful job, i coded my first site in 1998 using notepad when life was much simpler :) Wouldn't want to do it now though :)
@PeeJay, you don't have to code from scratch bro, copy, past, change, and there you go.