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Guide Tutorial Step-By-Step: how to create and host your landing page, the right way on amazon AWS.


Grand Guru
Jun 11, 2018
Hello Afflifters 🥰.

Sorry for the late, finally I have made the video that I promised, I will cover everything you need to know about creating landing pages using purelander and how to host them in Amazon AWS servers with CDN and SSL step by step.

In case you don't know, amazon AWS is getting used by a lot of super affiliates nowadays, it's powerful, we are talking about amazon Servers here :), and they have everything you need including SSL and CDN, and you don't need to worry about your server to go down :cool:

Just watch the video and follow the exact steps, and you are ready to go.
and please if you are stuck anywhere just reply to this thread am here to help so as a lot of other afflift members.

enjoy watching

This is a video update (1 May 2020), since Amazon AWS now requires you to validate your domain name by a certificate which you can generate in Amazon AWS for free, and now you can use HTTPS with your landing pages easily if you need it:

These are the old videos, just ignore them everything you need is explained in the video above 👆.
the old videos
1 - Create your landing page using PureLander Quickly.
2 - Create an Amazon AWS bucket and make it public and upload your landing page in it.
3 - Add CDN to your amazon bucket and buy a domain name from Namecheap and use it as a custom domain name for your landing pages, and how to host multiple landing pages in one domain name.

And please feel free to leave your questions bellow :love::love::).
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awesome tutorials. how much it cost to make buckets?
If you are a new user, you will qualify for a free tier that includes 5 GB of storage space and 20,000 GET requests (which probably is equal to a few thousand page views depending on your web page). After that, you will only pay for bandwidth you use. It is pretty economical.
This is great, however, it is way more complicated than just having your own landing page builder right on your WordPress site. With Squeezer, I can put the plugin on any site I have and it functions just like purelander, except that there is only ONE PAYMENT - a very small one, and you are good to go for life! No monthly costs! No having to transfer pages to your S3 server or any other. Squeezer, for my liking is way better.

Hello Afflifters.

Sorry for the late, finally i have made the first part of the tutorial that is going to cover everything you need to know about landing pages and PureLander, i mean everything.

The tutorial is divided into 2 parts :
- the first part is going to be about amazon aws.
- the second part is going to be about using VPS from vultr and install everything in it.

This is the first part, and it has everything you need to know about amazon AWS, and it's powerful and super cheap.

1 - Create your landing page using PureLander Quickly.

2 - Create an Amazon AWS bucket and make it public and upload your landing page in it.

3 - Add CDN to your amazon bucket and buy a domain name from namecheap and use it asa custom domain name for your landing pages, and how to to host multiple landing pages in one domain name.

And please feel free to leave your questions bellow :love::love::).
Hey @ProMedia, thanks for your feedback bro.

With Squeezer, I can put the plugin on any site I have and it functions just like purelander
you can't do that, you have to use a CDN.
CDN is a must if you are promoting CPA offers, you gonna loose lot of traffic, especially if you are promoting in mobile devices, because you know the speed of 3g and 4g, it takes time to be loaded, and you need to do anything to speed it :).

Another thing all these landing page builders are not optimised for speed.
if you don't believe me, just "right click" in the landing page and "view the source", you gonna see lot of divs and lot of js and css files, that are not necessary, but they are there because, that's how drag drop builders works, and you don't want that.

hopefully you understand what i mean, but at the end it's up to you, you can use what Ever you feel is good and suites you.
good luck @ProMedia .
the second part is going to be about using VPS from vultr and install everything in it.
Hi Tyousef, have you added the second tutorial or am I missing something? I'm interested in to see how easy it is to format and upload to our own server.
btw @Tyoussef can i use a 2nd bucket to upload a 2nd landing page ? if not why no ?

you can do that, just create another folder in the bucket and put the lading page files inside it and call that folder in the link, i have talked about it in the video.
Hi Tyousef, have you added the second tutorial or am I missing something? I'm interested in to see how easy it is to format and upload to our own server.
i will record them as soon as i finish some other important things, don't worry.
Do you currently have any of the popular spinner landing pages on PureLander? I didn't see one :)