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Guide TOP 5 free traffic sources in socials



Super Contributor
Feb 7, 2019

One of the most common questions we face almost daily is: "How can I launch a CPA campaign without investing?" Directing traffic to an offer without a penny of investment and making it produce results is every affiliate’s dream.
The advantages are pretty obvious: you don't invest money, and you only make a profit with free traffic. However, there are disadvantages to consider when working with Free Traffic from Socials. In fact, in order for you to have an income without a cent of investment in the campaign - you need to spend a lot of effort, energy, and the most important resource today - time.

Salute! Today, iMonetizeIt team will share the top 5 free sources of traffic and free tools that work. And most importantly, the answer to the question: which resource is more significant: time or money? Either way, the main advantage is the ability to start affiliate marketing without investment. We find this question relevant not only for those who have just started their growth in this field, but also for experienced affiliates who can get something new.


We won't describe the implementation of each method in detail in this article,
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