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Follow Along Tier 1 Casino Follow Along - Guide coming soon!


Grand Guru
Staff Member
Community Leader
Jan 7, 2019
Hi guys, so have been busy with work and I wasn't sure if Push was going to survive the update or not, so I put off writing that guide for a while since I didn't want to publish something which became irrelevant in few weeks. But now I have finally found enough time to get things going and have realized that although the CPC had gone up a bit, the quality might have gotten better. Which is a win-win for everyone. Good quality = Happy advertisers= Higher payouts.

So...let's go. This is the same campaign I had posted about earlier. Now running it with Propeller, planning to add other networks soon.

Affiliate Network : YepAds (Steven is an AMAZING AM who would help you right off the bat and tell you what you need to do get the best quality possible)
Spy Tool: Anstrex
Landing Pages Used : 7
Creatives : 8
: Tier 1
Traffic : Propeller Ads (branching out to different networks)
Payout: $16

Already started this campaign last night.

Here are my stats from my tracker (@Landingtrack ):
case study.png
Here are stats from my affiliate network (YepAds)

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