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Guide The Ultimate Guide to Clickloss

The initial post in this thread has been updated with a formula to calculate your clickloss %. :)
The initial post in this thread has been updated with a formula to calculate your clickloss %. :)
Which tracker is good for newbies to check out clicks loss for push traffic? On average i am getting more than 1M clicks on my push campaigns every month. I want to figure out zone idd which are having more than 15-20% click loss so that I can blacklist them from the next campaign.
Which tracker is good for newbies to check out clicks loss for push traffic? On average i am getting more than 1M clicks on my push campaigns every month. I want to figure out zone idd which are having more than 15-20% click loss so that I can blacklist them from the next campaign.
You can use any tracker; you have to calculate it yourself.
💡 TIP: You can calculate your clickloss percentage using the following formula:

(traffic source clicks - tracker clicks) / traffic source clicks * 100 = clickloss %
Great guide,

Yesterday, one of my pop campaigns received around 3300 visits, the tracker received around 2100 visits, and the affiliate network received only 330 visits. It was around 90% clickloss for my direct-linking campaign.