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What if I use offer URL on the CTA instead of click url from Bemob. It will not count conversions obviously. Will user get to see my offer if I do so. Because the thing is I was promoting an offer which was in 96% ROI I wanted to test a lander. I made one using leadpages. I used my offer url in the CTA.

It didn't convert at all. although my direct linking was in 96% ROI. and my leadpages stats showed that 178 conversion (178 users clicked the CTA) but 0 conversion and 0 revenue in affiliate network(for lander).
What if I use offer URL on the CTA instead of click url from Bemob. It will not count conversions obviously. Will user get to see my offer if I do so. Because the thing is I was promoting an offer which was in 96% ROI I wanted to test a lander. I made one using leadpages. I used my offer url in the CTA.
If you do this the user will still see your offer, but you won't know in your tracker what the lander CTR is and you also won't get postbacks when you get conversions because the CLICKID won't be appended to the offer URL.

It didn't convert at all. although my direct linking was in 96% ROI. and my leadpages stats showed that 178 conversion (178 users clicked the CTA) but 0 conversion and 0 revenue in affiliate network(for lander).
Your landing page may have promised the world, but the offer page said something else. I'm assuming your landing page wasn't good, or you just got lucky to get a conversion direct linking. It sounds like you may have made the landing page yourself. It's a good idea to rip one from a spy tool to use as a benchmark. What you think works most of the time fails miserably.
What if I use offer URL on the CTA instead of click url from Bemob. It will not count conversions obviously. Will user get to see my offer if I do so. Because the thing is I was promoting an offer which was in 96% ROI I wanted to test a lander. I made one using leadpages. I used my offer url in the CTA.

It didn't convert at all. although my direct linking was in 96% ROI. and my leadpages stats showed that 178 conversion (178 users clicked the CTA) but 0 conversion and 0 revenue in affiliate network(for lander).
If direct-linking was in 96% roi, continue running that only probably and optimize further and scale.
If you do this the user will still see your offer, but you won't know in your tracker what the lander CTR is and you also won't get postbacks when you get conversions because the CLICKID won't be appended to the offer URL.

Your landing page may have promised the world, but the offer page said something else. I'm assuming your landing page wasn't good, or you just got lucky to get a conversion direct linking. It sounds like you may have made the landing page yourself. It's a good idea to rip one from a spy tool to use as a benchmark. What you think works most of the time fails miserably.
Which spy tool do you recommend?
Yes you can, but even if you are not able to you can always use a tool like httrack to rip pages.
How is that? I tried many times rip page with httrack and many times there are errors in landing page when I replace links with mine.. can yo give me some advice? many of times landing page is broken when I rip it . also I see 2 index.html files and that confuses me a little bit..
How is that? I tried many times rip page with httrack and many times there are errors in landing page when I replace links with mine.. can yo give me some advice? many of times landing page is broken when I rip it . also I see 2 index.html files and that confuses me a little bit..
You need to check the code to see what exactly is broken. Hard to say as such.
How is that? I tried many times rip page with httrack and many times there are errors in landing page when I replace links with mine.. can yo give me some advice? many of times landing page is broken when I rip it . also I see 2 index.html files and that confuses me a little bit..
try PureLander landing page ripper instead of httrack