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The BIG Idea: Gaming the System



🧙🏻‍♂️ Wizard 🔮
Staff Member
Community Leader
May 7, 2018
Over the past couple of years, the AI CPA algorithms have become a big deal. They’re available on most traffic sources, and they allow you to run campaigns very much on “auto-pilot”… if it converts well enough to continuously win traffic.

The most well-known algorithm here on affLIFT is definitely the CPA Goal 2.0 algorithm from PropellerAds. Some people hate it, and others (including myself) love it.

It seems that most of the people that hate it aren’t able to find success with it… mostly due to lower conversion rates in their campaigns that lead to low eCPMs for the traffic source, resulting in little to no traffic after the “test periods”.

However, suppose you can create a campaign with the right targeting that produces competitive enough eCPMs on PropellerAds’ side. In that case, you can run campaigns completely hands-off for months on end without doing anything.

That’s how I’ve been running a lot of campaigns over the past year or so - I hardly even look at them.

Now, the types of campaigns I’ve been running are to build email lists. Someone opts in on my landing page(s), and I fire a conversion back to the
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