See the exact ads your competitors are running

Step 7 - Add our BeMob Postback to MOBIPIUM

You need to show your postback URL inside of Mobipium and your offer URL inside of BeMob. Hide the main part of the domain if you want.
Hi Nick, Is it these two
@Hopeful - I can tell how completely sincere you are about your goal to 'master every detail' of this business, but sooner or later you're going to have to start running campaigns and failing, which will cause inevitable confusion and frustration... until it doesn't. There's no way to avoid this and it's the only way to learn to succeed, so regardless of where you think you're at in terms of understanding this business... start running campaigns. They'll almost certainly fail to start out with... and keep failing for a while... until they don't.

You need knowledge + experience to succeed in this business.

Very realistic phrasing about the reality of CPA Campaigns Jimmy, thank you. I got that from all of the guys here so I had started running running a campaign last week but then the tracking issue got in the way which is now solved. I will be running the same campaign again today with propeller for 2 days and will create a follow along. I will also run a campaign with Mobidea at the same time. Appreciate the help!
Assuming you followed the rest of the guide, yes, that should be all you need.
I'm just going through the guide again to make sure , would I have to do another campaign before I get the results our would the first campaign results show up ?
I'm just going through the guide again to make sure , would I have to do another campaign before I get the results our would the first campaign results show up ?
Unfortunately, you'd have to do another campaign. This is because as the conversions happen they are posted back to your tracker. The conversions that already happened won't be posted back now. You could try and ask your affiliate manager to repost them, but last time I asked Moipium to do that they couldn't (worth a try anyway).
I have a similar situation that the conversion number not showing in the BeMod but only in Mobipium. So I re-check the callback URL in Mobipium and find it's blank there(that's weird). I do the "Step 7" again and find only the "cid" can be saved but the callback URL will keep blank. Is this a normal situation or is it an error?
I have a similar situation that the conversion number not showing in the BeMod but only in Mobipium. So I re-check the callback URL in Mobipium and find it's blank there(that's weird). I do the "Step 7" again and find only the "cid" can be saved but the callback URL will keep blank. Is this a normal situation or is it an error?

Can anyone help me with this issue?
Can anyone help me with this issue?
I've replied to this same question in your follow-along thread. If you have your AM on Skype ask them, otherwise we're going to have to wait for @MOBIPIUM to provide insights.
Hi everyone, @Luke,
I am not able to create my campaign in Bemob, when I try to save it it says the destination URL is invalid. I don't know what to do to fix it. My postback URL shows as "undefined" (see screenshot) and I wonder if that is what is causing the problem. Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi everyone, @Luke,
I am not able to create my campaign in Bemob, when I try to save it it says the destination URL is invalid. I don't know what to do to fix it. My postback URL shows as "undefined" (see screenshot) and I wonder if that is what is causing the problem. Thanks in advance for your help!
Did you try adding a custom domain to your BeMob account? You may want to use the live chat on BeMob to get this fixed or reach out to @BeMob 👍
thx Luke! One question. Is it a big problem that I dont know what I am doing? Like I can do it based on Lukes guide but dont know what exactly ecerything means. Is that normal. Hope gonna better by time. THX
thx Luke! One question. Is it a big problem that I dont know what I am doing? Like I can do it based on Lukes guide but dont know what exactly ecerything means. Is that normal. Hope gonna better by time. THX
Yeah, it's normal, but don't hesitate to ask about specific things you are confused about 👍
Hi everyone, a question about this section setting up campaigns. It doesn't allow me to save progress without adding a landing. I've so far only saved the offers. any thoughts?
Hi everyone, a question about this section setting up campaigns. It doesn't allow me to save progress without adding a landing. I've so far only saved the offers. any thoughts?

Try clicking that to make it a direct link campaign 👆
Question time!

I know Google and the internet is basically wants everyone to use https:// for all internet traffic.

In BeMob, shouldn't we be using the secure postback URL?

I'm following along the guide as is for now.
