Geozo Native Ads
Promo Code: AFFILIFT-FRIDAY. Limited offer for specific GEOs. Contact Geozo for more details!

Step 13 - The END, but really the BEGINNING?

i found my winning zine which is argentina with about 17% ROI, what do you think should i do luke?
You can try and milk that website for as much traffic/profit as possible. Test a few offers on it :)

do i change the algo of popads everytime i change the parameter like GEO or WEBid?
Not sure what you mean by algo, but it will change what sites you get traffic from.

This is what separates you from the competition and impacts peoples lives in a big way that are just getting started like me. Looking forward to learning and growing here with the affLIFT family.
Great to hear! :D
OK, I've added more money to my PopAds account, and topped up my campaign another $5, but now it's throttling
my campaign and says:

Your campaign is currently throttled to spending not more than $2 per minute. Make sure to have more than $15
remaining in both budget and daily budget to avoid throttling.

I've got more than $15 in my account, and my campaign daily budget is set to $20, so I have no idea why it's being
slowed down. Anyone have any ideas?

I've got more than $15 in my account, and my campaign daily budget is set to $20, so I have no idea why it's being
slowed down. Anyone have any ideas?
Based on the error message it seems it’s getting throttled because your daily budget is less than $15.

I wouldn’t worry much about it for now because theoretically you can still spend your budget in 3 minutes.
Based on the error message it seems it’s getting throttled because your daily budget is less than $15.

I wouldn’t worry much about it for now because theoretically you can still spend your budget in 3 minutes.

That's what it says, but so far, it's been hardly doing anything for 2-3 hours! I've loaded more money, and still
says the same thing.
That's what it says, but so far, it's been hardly doing anything for 2-3 hours! I've loaded more money, and still
says the same thing.

OK, I think I've discovered at least part of the problem... it appears that I'm being out bid more times than not, so someone
must have found the same lucrative websites I've found and are now out bidding me.
OK, I think I've discovered at least part of the problem... it appears that I'm being out bid more times than not, so someone
must have found the same lucrative websites I've found and are now out bidding me.
Sounds right. I wouldn't worry about being throttled. You can increase your budgets once it's profitable. Being throttled on a campaign you are testing isn't a bad thing.
Great Guide !!!
Thank you very much for this detail and very complete. This has helped me a lot
@Luke thanks for putting this guide together Luke, it's pure gold and just what beginners like me need to get started.
I have a quick newbie question, I thought push notifications and popunders are two different ways of delivering ads, how come we're useing both in this campaign?
I have a quick newbie question, I thought push notifications and popunders are two different ways of delivering ads, how come we're useing both in this campaign?
It's different
Do yo mean push subscriptions offers??
@Luke thanks for putting this guide together Luke, it's pure gold and just what beginners like me need to get started.
I have a quick newbie question, I thought push notifications and popunders are two different ways of delivering ads, how come we're useing both in this campaign?
What you're doing in this guide is using popunder traffic and sending it to a push notification subscription offer. The offer is asking someone to subscribe to push notification ads. You're just simply getting people to subscribe to the ads and once they are subscribed they will receive ads from other advertisers.
What you're doing in this guide is using popunder traffic and sending it to a push notification subscription offer. The offer is asking someone to subscribe to push notification ads. You're just simply getting people to subscribe to the ads and once they are subscribed they will receive ads from other advertisers.

OK - so all they are doing is going onto some site and they get a "notification" to allow or block future ads. This may have been metioned in the beginning somewhere - but now I understand.
OK - so all they are doing is going onto some site and they get a "notification" to allow or block future ads. This may have been metioned in the beginning somewhere - but now I understand.
Kind of. The "notification" is a little dialog box where the user can either click the X in the top right corner, click deny, or click allow. If someone clicks allow that's when you get paid for a conversion.

Here's a screenshot to help you visualize pretty close to exactly what the user sees:

The main content of the page varies (some fake video, some fake download, some fake CAPTCHA, etc.) and in this case, it's a fake video. Once the user clicks allow... you get paid... and most likely the user gets redirected to some other affiliate offer or can close the window. I'm not sure what Mobipium does in their flow currently, but in most cases with these offers, you don't get paid for anything after the user clicks allow.
Got it! - just did not have time to search for the screenshot when posting. Appreciate the extra time posting the screenshot!

The guide is very useful for complete beginners. But as you have said in the introduction post we cannot be rich following this guide (or at least for making a consistent income).

What if you create another guide for intermediates or uper intermediates covering all aspects of affiliate marketing ? It can be a collaborative work by some of (future?) big names in this forum.

A lot of ressources are already available here, it would be interesting to gather them in such : "Afflift Handbook for successful affiliate marketer"


hi, i need help.
I completed the second campaign after adjusting the target.
what should i do now to start the third campaign?
Should I see the list of the WebsiteIDs that are profitable and only use them for the third campaign? how?
please help
hi, i need help.
I completed the second campaign after adjusting the target.
what should i do now to start the third campaign?
Should I see the list of the WebsiteIDs that are profitable and only use them for the third campaign? how?
please help
Can you post a screenshot of your results for the second part? You can setup a new campaign testing some new offers 👍