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Setting up a Compliant PeerFly offer



Super Contributor
Apr 30, 2018
I am wanting to promote an offer 38906 - Banners only allowed.

Am I in compliance if I do the following:
A- option 1
1. I write an article (or a few)
2. I have a little bit about the offer within the article with a link to learn more
- the link to learn more collects email addresses in an optin form (I will make it GDPR compliant)
- then the thank you is essentially the vendor

B - Option 2
1. I write an article (or a few)
2. I have a little bit about the offer within the article with a banner in the article
3. The banners links to the vendor

Here is the piece that I really struggle with - can I now send traffic to the article from Google Adwords display network? I will be advertising the article not the product.

Thanks for
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