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Seeking Advice: Poor Results from Games Tasks



Jun 13, 2024
Hello everyone, I am a newbie with two months of experience. My first offer was a lottery offer in Pakistan through the GoldenGoose network. This offer is currently profitable, so I decided to try a new type of offer. After recommendations from my AM and my own selection, I chose to run a Games offer in Senegal.

This offer has a commission of $2. Initially, I used the landing page recommended by the network. After downloading it, I changed the language to French and started the campaign. However, the LP CTR of this landing page is only 10%.

Seeing that the results were not ideal, I added a new landing page. I modified the landing page from my PK lottery offer by changing the images and the language to French.

However, the LP CTR for this landing page is only 7%. Below are my monitoring data from Binom:

It should be noted that I used PropellerAds as the traffic source, running the campaign with CPA Goal on push notifications. The initial budget was $10, which I later increased to $25. For my PK lottery offer, the LP CTR is around 40%.

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