Run Traffic on Landings?
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Follow Along [October Contest] ItsJay24's Push Collection Journey - SelfAdvertiser + EvaDav/Smartlinks + Binom


Grand Guru
Oct 17, 2018
What's up everyone...

I do love these contest. You get to try out new traffic sources/verticals, learn from other peoples journeys, and get a chance to win some awesome prizes while sharpening your skill sets.

For this follow along I want to try & take a wack at building up my [Rev Share subscriber list] on EvaDav. I'll be using their landing pages to collect subs, and trying to find the best offers/smartlinks to monetize the traffic that does decide to subscribe. And obviously I'll be focusing on pop traffic from SelfAdvertiser in this follow along.

Here's a snapshot of my setup:
Push Collection: EvaDav
Tracker: Binom
Affiliate Network: Whichever One Converts
Traffic Source: SelfAdvertiser

Now Let's Get Rolling:

First things first. Let's grab our account on SelfAdvertiser...

I've never ran traffic on this network before, but I definitely look forward to it!

I also read through the Auto Optimizer FAQ that @Nick posted earlier today. Definitely recommend taking the time to read this if your wondering about the auto optimization @SelfAdvertiser has to offer

Here's the link to that post:🧙🏻‍♂️.5537/

I went ahead and set up my campaign using some of the suggestions found in that article. I'm going to be using a very small daily budget till I get the hang of this new traffic source, and go from there.

But the campaign has been submitted for review, and all that's left to do is wait for approval.

That's it for now. I'll update this thread once the campaign is up and running.
So after a few days here are the results...

$30 Spent
6 Conversions
$1.38 in Revenue

Definitely not the greatest results, but I won't be throwing in the towel just yet.

Also I didn't realize just how much volume of traffic SelfAdvertiser has to offer (which really gets me excited!).
But the good news is my tracking/postbacks are set up correctly, the optimizer is doing its job, and there were some conversions.

Also I'm using the same lander & offer combo that i've split tested like crazy, and has been breaking even for me over on popads.

So I know this combo converts, but the issue is finding which sources will convert for me on SelfAdvertiser.

So I came up with a plan of attack.

I'll be lowering the daily budget of this campaign to $5 and using a more aggressive setting on the optimizer.

Previously I had the learning budget per source to $.08 Since the payout was low for my main offer I was thinking of giving sources room to breathe to see if any had potential. But After seeing how much volume there was. I decided to do a more agressive approach.

Moving forward this campaign will be my "Profit Finder" campaign (Basically a blacklist campaign, but I wanted it to sound a little cooler lol)
I'll let SelfAdvertiser's Optimizer block non converting sources for me on this campaign, and any time I find a source that is converting I will add that to my whitelist campaign.

On the whitelist campaign I'll let the optimizer do it's thing and adjust bids on the converting sources to reach my CPA goal. And if the source ends up not performing in the whitelist I'll just block/remove it.

So I've created my new campaign and it has been sent to review. I've also blacklisted the converting sources from the first campaign, and added them to this new one.

Not sure if this experiment will blow up in my face or not, but let see how it goes lol

I'll update this in a few days once the new campaign has gathered some data.
Can you shed a little bit more light on some of the campaign details?

For this follow along I want to try & take a wack at building up my [Rev Share subscriber list] on EvaDav. I'll be using their landing pages to collect subs, and trying to find the best offers/smartlinks to monetize the traffic that does decide to subscribe.

I'm assuming the 6 conversions you're reporting so far re the trafficback conversions, not push subcriber revshare (otherwise it doesn't make sense that 6 revshare subscribers would be worth $1.38).
Hi Itsjay24

I checked your campaign out, you actually using the optimizer but you don't really allow it to do its work, and you do many manual changes.

1. I see you blacklisted the converting sources from your first campaign and created a new WL campaign with them. It's kind of missing the whole idea of the optimizer. What you do in that case, is to start the learning phase all over again in those sources.
The benefit of the optimizer is the ability to raise bids in the performing ones like you see here. it's not only for exploring new sources.

2. You reached your 10$ (now 5$) daily budget each day, which means you can reduce bids (since inventory is very high and your daily budget os very low) and try to get more clicks for your $.

3. You run RON, which needs some learning period to pause sources that don't fit, please only change Optimizer settings and let it do the work. With all those changes you made you will have no idea how it could perform.

Please reach out if you have other questions.
Can you shed a little bit more light on some of the campaign details?

I'm assuming the 6 conversions you're reporting so far re the trafficback conversions, not push subcriber revshare (otherwise it doesn't make sense that 6 revshare subscribers would be worth $1.38).

I'd be more than happy to share more details about the campaign.

So you're right the conversions are from trafficback conversions, and not push subscriber revshare.

So my campaign is set up using EvaDav's [Rev Share] Landers then I'm monetizing the trafficback with either direct offers or smartlinks. (Monetizer would be my favorite smartlink since they allow you to see what's converting and target that offer directly.)

Also in my campaigns i'm not factoring any revenue from push subs. I'm just focused on finding traffic sources, placements, zones etc that will break even or be in profit with that set up.

Not sure if that was helpful @jimmyvanilla but if I didn't cover anything or you have some more questions just let me know, and I'll be more than happy to answer.

Hi Itsjay24

I checked your campaign out, you actually using the optimizer but you don't really allow it to do its work, and you do many manual changes.

1. I see you blacklisted the converting sources from your first campaign and created a new WL campaign with them. It's kind of missing the whole idea of the optimizer. What you do in that case, is to start the learning phase all over again in those sources.
The benefit of the optimizer is the ability to raise bids in the performing ones like you see here. it's not only for exploring new sources.

View attachment 14281

2. You reached your 10$ (now 5$) daily budget each day, which means you can reduce bids (since inventory is very high and your daily budget os very low) and try to get more clicks for your $.

3. You run RON, which needs some learning period to pause sources that don't fit, please only change Optimizer settings and let it do the work. With all those changes you made you will have no idea how it could perform.

Please reach out if you have other questions.

@SelfAdvertiser thanks for taking the time to look over the campaign, and offer some tips. I really appreciate it. I'm still getting used to your traffic source so any additional suggestions/tips are welcomed and appreciated! Also I will definitely reach out whenever I have any additional questions.
Here's a quick update of the progress...

So I'm still trying to getting used to how the optimizer works, and not sure if I'm even using it properly lol.
But I'm going to continue to test out my experiment with the Whitelist/Blacklist campaigns.

Here are the results after my whitelist campaign was approved

After one day the whitelist campaign was in the green which is great. Not sure if it'll stay green but seeing that gives me hope with this strategy.

Also we got another conversion on the blacklist campaign so I will add that source to the whitelist.

Moving forward my strategy is to keep using the blacklist campaign to find sources to add into the whitelist. I'm keeping my budget low on the blacklist so I can afford to run it daily.

What I'm hoping to happen is to keep growing the whitelist with stable/profitable sources & if that happens I can raise my daily budget on the blacklist to find sources to add into my whitelist even faster.

That's it for this update.
Here's a quick update of the progress...

So I'm still trying to getting used to how the optimizer works, and not sure if I'm even using it properly lol.
But I'm going to continue to test out my experiment with the Whitelist/Blacklist campaigns.

Here are the results after my whitelist campaign was approved
View attachment 14319

After one day the whitelist campaign was in the green which is great. Not sure if it'll stay green but seeing that gives me hope with this strategy.

Also we got another conversion on the blacklist campaign so I will add that source to the whitelist.

Moving forward my strategy is to keep using the blacklist campaign to find sources to add into the whitelist. I'm keeping my budget low on the blacklist so I can afford to run it daily.

What I'm hoping to happen is to keep growing the whitelist with stable/profitable sources & if that happens I can raise my daily budget on the blacklist to find sources to add into my whitelist even faster.

That's it for this update.

Hi !
I see you opened a few more optimizer campaigns, is the CPA stated there is your real CPA? since it means pausing sources after about 10 clicks for each campaign.

Since bids are very low for all campaigns, i would recommend changing frequency and distribution settings-

We usually recomned the above settings, but since your daily budget is 5$, distributing it to 24 hours is not doing it justice.
If you would like to keeplow bids and budget, please change traffic distribution to "ass soon as possible" and the frequnct to 1-4.

It will help to get more traffic without increasing bid.
Good luck!
Moving forward my strategy is to keep using the blacklist campaign to find sources to add into the whitelist. I'm keeping my budget low on the blacklist so I can afford to run it daily.

What I'm hoping to happen is to keep growing the whitelist with stable/profitable sources & if that happens I can raise my daily budget on the blacklist to find sources to add into my whitelist even faster.
How's it looking? :)
What is trafficback?
In this example, once someone subscribes to receive a push notification (or if they click deny) they are sent to an affiliate link. That's the trafficback traffic. It's an odd term :)