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Free Landing Page Builder from affLIFT

Adavice DSP


Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
Learning how to build landing pages is one way you can drastically increase the performance of your affiliate marketing campaigns. We've discussed many landing page builders here on affLIFT already, but one of the downsides is that they cost money.

PureLander is probably the most popular because it's easy to use and very cheap.

But, I thought, what if affLIFT had a free landing page builder that anyone could use?

Well, it turns out that's a possibility :)

affLIFT Free Landing Page Builder

I bought a script a few years ago that makes it easy to build landing pages. It does have a bit of a learning curve and it's definitely more helpful if you can pop open the Code Editor included in it and make a few changes to the code yourself. But, I'm happy to provide it to the community for free.

▶️ Free Landing Page Builder

Screen Shot 2019-03-14 at 9.37.56 AM.png

I am looking to have you give it a try and provide some feedback. It does not host your landing page, but you can easily export the files and upload them to your own server.

I do not plan to dedicate a lot of time to it, but I can potentially make edits/improvements based on your suggestions. Also, if the feedback is good, I will make sure everyone knows about it and gives it a try :D
Nice UI. Looks intuitive enough, but is there any documentation for the finer points? Will give it a proper workout soon. 👍
Nice UI. Looks intuitive enough, but is there any documentation for the finer points? Will give it a proper workout soon. 👍
There is not...yet. I want to get some usage and feedback first and see if it’s going to be worth investing the time into.
Learning how to build landing pages is one way you can drastically increase the performance of your affiliate marketing campaigns. We've discussed many landing page builders here on affLIFT already, but one of the downsides is that they cost money.

PureLander is probably the most popular because it's easy to use and very cheap.

But, I thought, what if affLIFT had a free landing page builder that anyone could use?

Well, it turns out that's a possibility :)

affLIFT Free Landing Page Builder

I bought a script a few years ago that makes it easy to build landing pages. It does have a bit of a learning curve and it's definitely more helpful if you can pop open the Code Editor included in it and make a few changes to the code yourself. But, I'm happy to provide it to the community for free.

▶️ Free Landing Page Builder

View attachment 3449

I am looking to have you give it a try and provide some feedback. It does not host your landing page, but you can easily export the files and upload them to your own server.

I do not plan to dedicate a lot of time to it, but I can potentially make edits/improvements based on your suggestions. Also, if the feedback is good, I will make sure everyone knows about it and gives it a try :D
Made a few little changes to it this week. Nothing big. I may add more components soon.
How about providing affLIFTers with a link to promote the FREE LP builder to the wider affiliate marketing community? I would certainly promote such a link, if a clickthrough to results in commissions. It could result in a significant increase in traffic to the forum and hence memberships. Win-win for all and it would be something that would be easy to promote to affiliate marketers. :)
How about providing affLIFTers with a link to promote the FREE LP builder to the wider affiliate marketing community? I would certainly promote such a link, if a clickthrough to results in commissions. It could result in a significant increase in traffic to the forum and hence memberships. Win-win for all and it would be something that would be easy to promote to affiliate marketers. :)
Oh, that's a great idea! I'll have it implemented this afternoon and will update the thread 👍
How about providing affLIFTers with a link to promote the FREE LP builder to the wider affiliate marketing community? I would certainly promote such a link, if a clickthrough to results in commissions. It could result in a significant increase in traffic to the forum and hence memberships. Win-win for all and it would be something that would be easy to promote to affiliate marketers. :)
This has been added. You can find your referral tag here:

It looks like ?r=[number]

Add that tag to the affLIFT Landing Page Builder and when the user clicks through your link, they'll also be tagged with your referral to affLIFT if they click through the affLIFT (by clicking the affLIFT logo).

Your landing page builder link will look something like this:[number]

The referral tag cookie is saved for 30 days on the page builder :)
Fantastic @Luke, thank you! Maybe add a prominent text link to on the LP builder too? Would probably get more clickthroughs than just the logo alone. ;)
I have started running traffic using my link already. We'll see what happens. :)
Looking good with a lot of features and easy to use drag and drop. Well done
Fantastic @Luke, thank you! Maybe add a prominent text link to on the LP builder too? Would probably get more clickthroughs than just the logo alone. ;)
Yeah, I was thinking a model pop up or something 👍
Luke...would it be possible to get a few templates integrated in there? I’m thinking like 5-10 just so beginners (like me) can see how a good lp looks like
Luke...would it be possible to get a few templates integrated in there? I’m thinking like 5-10 just so beginners (like me) can see how a good lp looks like
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea 👍