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Promo Code: AFFILIFT-FRIDAY. Limited offer for specific GEOs. Contact Geozo for more details!

December PropellerAds Follow Along Contest with $1,000 in Prizes


Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
I am excited to announce that we will be doing a follow along contest with our friends at PropellerAds for December!

PropellerAds has been a part of affLIFT essentially since we launched. They provide awesome case studies, feedback for members, and great support. I'm excited that they've agreed to do this contest with our community (hopefully the first of many).

  • The contest will run from December 1st through December 21st.
  • To participate, simply create a Follow Along Campaign thread in either our Push Notification forum or our PPV section for Onclick Popunders (if you want to run 2 concurrent follow along threads for campaigns of both ad formats, that is fine too).
  • Be sure to include the word PropellerAds in your thread title and select the prefix Follow Along.
  • You can post whatever offer you want from whatever affiliate network you want using whatever tracker you want. There are NO requirements for your campaign besides of course that you use PropellerAds for your traffic source.
  • Keep a detailed log of your campaign in your follow along thread as you run it. Only threads with at least 4 updates will be considered for the prize.
  • On December 22nd, I will pick 10 winning PropellerAds follow along threads and each of the winners will be sent $100 via PayPal.
The contest does not start until tomorrow, December 1st, so please do not post your thread until then. HOWEVER, you are welcome (and encouraged) to setup your PropellerAds account so you will be ready.

▶️ Sign up for an advertiser here: (if you do not already have one)

There is NO LIMIT on the amount of money you have to spend on your campaign for it to qualify for the prize, but PropellerAds does have a minimum deposit of $100.

I will be doing my best to keep up with all follow along threads for the contest and helping everyone get their campaigns profitable. Our friends at @PropellerAds will also be actively helping members with their campaigns when possible.

We've been discussing push notification and PPV traffic a lot in our community. I hope this contest is a way to take that discussion to the next level :)

I will send out a message tomorrow when the contest officially begins. Let me know if you have any questions. Onward and upward! 🚀

UPDATE: It's December! The contest has begun! :)
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for AFFLIFT-50 it says promotion code invalid or expired.
Hi everyone i want to give little advice (if Luke approve it)

There are few points which Luke need to check and implement if he finds it correct.

Imagine after 6 month, we will have 6 competition and all will be cluttering here and there in the forum. If any one want to check only the specific competition he need to check two to three threads in Push notification and PPC threads. what i propose is make a new Forum Topic as "Exclusive Competition"

1. Make new Forum thread as "Exclusive Competition" - in that you can move all the oct, nov competition threads
2. Eveyone to write - propoller ads - DEC- competition 2018 in the thread headline, so that we know you are participating in the competition or if new Forum Thread is there then all post should be in that. as Forum > Exclusive Competition > NOV or DEC
3. Pinup the announcement thread in the DEC thread so that all can read the TOS and make new thread below it
4. Put a minimum budget like in the Nov competition you did, for DEC put 100 dollar
5. select some offer and we all should stick to that offer only like you did in the Nov Competition
6. Old offers which people are running cannot be merge in the competition.
7. You need to make campaign in propeller ads with name = DEC comp in it and should post it in the thread so that Luke will verify it later.

Propeller ads Afflift coupon applied successfully.

Hi everyone i want to give little advice (if Luke approve it)

There are few points which Luke need to check and implement if he finds it correct.

Imagine after 6 month, we will have 6 competition and all will be cluttering here and there in the forum. If any one want to check only the specific competition he need to check two to three threads in Push notification and PPC threads. what i propose is make a new Forum Topic as "Exclusive Competition"

1. Make new Forum thread as "Exclusive Competition" - in that you can move all the oct, nov competition threads
2. Eveyone to write - propoller ads - DEC- competition 2018 in the thread headline, so that we know you are participating in the competition or if new Forum Thread is there then all post should be in that. as Forum > Exclusive Competition > NOV or DEC
3. Pinup the announcement thread in the DEC thread so that all can read the TOS and make new thread below it
4. Put a minimum budget like in the Nov competition you did, for DEC put 100 dollar
5. select some offer and we all should stick to that offer only like you did in the Nov Competition
6. Old offers which people are running cannot be merge in the competition.
7. You need to make campaign in propeller ads with name = DEC comp in it and should post it in the thread so that Luke will verify it later.

Propeller ads Afflift coupon applied successfully.

View attachment 1749
No, I don’t think we need to do those things. Glad you got the promo code working.
But I'm also running propellerads with adcombo. Spent 159 earned about 150 and that's because I'm still testing, adding more offers to test. I bet it'd have been profit if I stayed with the two good offers doing well for me alone.

Maybe it depends from the offers, GEO, creatives
Follow my thread and see how it took me $200 to get positive ROI on the offer...
Contest ends today and I will be picking winners tomorrow. I'll post the winners and let everyone know 👍
@asadrafi92 Did you ask your AM the best converting pair for the offer you promoted? This can save you a lot on testing.

AdCombo offers are tricky, their pre-landings in my opinion are medium quality, but what do I know? They test them a lot before making them public, but super affiliates like IamAtilla prefer to make their own. You'd need some coding skills to make use of their API though.