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Choosing an offer and My Startegy



Apr 11, 2023
Hey everyone glad to be a part of this forum.

I'm currently doing research to find an affiliate offer and since I'm new to affiliate marketing I'm not sure if I should stick to looking for SOI offers or aim a bit higher and choose an offer that pays way more like ($20-$100) for example. The reason I'm asking this is because the strategy that I plan on using is PPC on social media sites and then send traffic to a landing page (and possibly collect emails) then send them to the actual offer itself.

Sidenote: I have prior experience running an FBA business where I used ppc to drive traffic to my product and generate sales on amazon and by placing ads on social media (Facebook) as a mini sales funnel back to my product.

Like I said before I'm at a crossroads as to whether I should stick to smaller offers to get my feet wet or go bigger? since I'm not too much of a newbie, but I'm still new, but as we all know there's always something new to learn on every journey.

Thanks for your
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