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Augmented Reality (AR) — New Advertising Opportunities On Google?



Jul 3, 2023
Augmented reality (AR) is quickly becoming a part of our daily lives, changing how we interact with the world around us. It's not just for entertainment anymore; AR now offers incredible chances for marketers and affiliate marketers to promote their products and services. Google, one of the top tech companies, is actively developing AR tools and integrating them into its advertising platforms. In this article, the YeezyPay team, a service that provides trusted agency advertising accounts for Google Ads, will explain how effective AR advertising can be.

Why affiliate marketers and media buyers should pay attention to AR advertising​

In an oversaturated advertising space, where banner blindness is prevalent, capturing the attention of the target audience for a specific offer has become increasingly challenging. To combat this, traditional advertising formats are being supplemented with innovative technologies. This is where augmented reality (AR) steps in, offering advertisers a unique platform to create engaging and memorable user experiences. Just think about how popular the AR game Pokémon Go became!


Google has been a pioneer in AR advertising for more than ten years. They recognized its potential early on and have continued to push the boundaries. According to Statista,
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