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Follow Along affLIFT SEO - Ranking for Affiliate Marketing Forum



Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
Shortly after launching affLIFT, I started looking into SEO opportunities for us. This is still a work-in-progress (and always will be), but the first thing I really want us to rank for is affiliate marketing forum related keywords.

The reason I want to rank for those is that's essentially what we are from an outside perspective. I know this community is a lot more than just an affiliate marketing forum and we're still evolving, but it's still important we rank for that basic keyword.

So, I used SEMrush and did some research on how we can rank for:
  • affiliate marketing forum (currently #17)
  • affiliate forum (currently #12)
I made some changes to the homepage and some inner pages to include those words to try to help. I also have gotten backlinks on most of the top results for that search :)

For example:
All 3 of those are on the first page. We're included in a few others that aren't currently on the first page, but were before. We are linked using those anchor text in a few places as
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