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Affiliate Marketing Articles by affLIFT



Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
Yesterday, I launched our new Articles section of affLIFT. My goal with Articles is to provide public basic articles to help funnel people into affLIFT and provide value to both non-members and members.

I am building a team of content writers and working on a list of topics for us to write and publish articles about. My goal is for us to release 2 articles a week about everything you need to know about affiliate marketing :)

afflift articles.jpg

You can find our first two Articles here:
I will also be working with our affLIFT Partners to provide content to the community. Everyone wins! :)

Onward and upward 🚀
Is this new articles section public?
Yes. It’ll feature some snippets of information to help encourage people to join our paid community.

You can add your referral tag to any Article as well to generate referral with the affLIFT Referral Program 👍😀