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Follow Along Adcash Contest - Surveys Offers


Super Contributor
May 4, 2018
Had an Adcash account for a long time but didn't use it. Saw this contest and went to log in, but account was gone. So created a new account to try out the traffic. Will be trying out a few verticals, but for this FA, will focus on finance and betting surveys.

🎯 Traffic Source: Adcash
🔧 Tracking Tool: Peerclick
✅ Affiliate Network:
👍 Type of Offer:
💰 Offer Payout:
$0.02 to $0.2
🏆 I believe this campaign will be successful because:
Had success in some geos with Propellerads, will be targeting the same geos.
🔍 I am unsure about:
There are 3 tiers of pop traffic in Adcash (not sure which tier will perform better for different verticals) and traffic doesn't seem to be a lot after narrowing down the geo, os and browser.

Managed to create my first campaign and got it validated before adding funds with the promo code.
Will be creating more campaigns for different geos. Stay tuned for
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