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Peerclick Comments Ratings

Peerclick is a popular SaaS ad tracking solution for many affiliates. It can process 1 billion clicks or more per day per account, which makes it a reliable performance tracking platform for those who bring in a lot of traffic.

Peerclick is reliable, fairly priced, and a really nice free plan to encourage you to get started trying out their tracking tool. Learn why this may be your best tracking tool option in our review below!


Peerclick Review​

Peerclick has partnered with several industry leaders which allowed them to gain a lot of knowledge about affiliate marketing. They used this information to build templates that will make it easier for affiliates to create campaigns on their platform. You just need to choose your affiliate network and traffic source and you won’t have to worry if you will get all the data you need when your campaign starts.

Tracking Pixels

Use Direct Tracking Pixel if you need to track visits for campaigns without the initial redirect and accelerate the process of redirecting visitors to your landing page. Also, Postback Pixel is an alternative solution to auto-optimization track conversions when S2S postbacks are not supported.

Traffic Distribution System

With Peerclick, you can easily segment your audience, based on individual rules (city, visitors’ time zone, all kinds of rules for connection, devices, referrer, URL, variables).

Detailed Tracking Reports

To ensure success with your campaigns, you need to look into its different aspects. From how much traffic you are getting and how much you have spent, to what IP, device, browser, and connection your audience is using, to what date, time, location, website or page your ad was accessed from. There are literally hundreds of combinations that you can look into, helping you drill further down and find the best combination of metrics that would make your campaigns profitable.


Anti-Fraud - the feature that helps you to detect invalid traffic and automatically redirect fraudulent and suspicious clicks. PeerClick is constantly updating its anti-fraud solutions. The platform is integrated with a third-party solution, and they have their own as well. It’s crucial for media buyers, as bot traffic is a big problem these days. In PeerClick, everything is filtered even before you bid, all the traffic you see on the platform is already filtered.

Wide tracking opportunities

PeerClick provides you with detailed information on your statistics - 40+ parameters about each visit, click, and conversion you can work within real-time to optimize your campaigns.

Website Protection

The functionality of Website Protection helps you pass the moderation in the advertising system (in the cases when the content advertised is not allowed to display). The feature allows you to present to the moderator the content different from that presented to the user's browser.

Landing Page Protection

To protect your landing pages from spyware parsing, PeerClick presents special protection functionality.

A special key is generated in the campaign link, which is valid for a certain specified time (300 seconds by default). Accordingly, a user can get on a lander only through the campaign link. After going through the campaign link, the lander will be available through a direct link for 300 seconds, after this time interval, when a user goes directly to the lander link, a white page will be displayed even to the user who has passed through the campaign link.

Additional users

The tracker makes it possible to add additional users with the ability to configure access to campaigns, flows, offers, landing pages, sources, affiliate networks, as well as individual columns in the statistics section of the Campaigns tab. The main account allocates access rights to his team, and also sees all the statistics of other accounts.


Peerclick Pricing​

There are four types of plans available in Peerclick, and these are:
  1. Free – 100k events (visit/click/conversion) for free. 1 custom domain!
  2. Basic – most popular plan. $99/month. 3,000,000 events included. 6 month data retention.
  3. Advanced – $249/month. 10,000,000 events included. 1 year data retention.
  4. Exclusive – $649/month. 30,000,000 events included. 2 year data retention.

Special affLIFT Plan! 🚀

Peerclick has developed a special plan for affLIFT users only. You get 1,000,000 events per month for $19/month. Use the coupon AFFLIFT to get it!

Peerclick Coupon​

Use our exclusive coupon to get access to the special affLIFT plan. The Peerclick coupon is: AFFLIFT

🚀 Sign up for PeerClick tracker today!

Latest Comment

Ah, PeerClick, my digital marketing savior! 🚀 Let me lay it down straight: You get what you pay for, folks. And with PeerClick? Every penny spent comes back with a crowd of conversions.

So I see some are grumbling about costs, expecting champagne service on a beer budget. Well, let me tell you, in the realm of clicks and conversions, the 'free' cheese is only in the mousetrap, my friends. You want premium support? Loosen those purse strings and watch the magic happen. 💸✨

I ponied up for their service, and bam! Support was on it like white on rice, treating my campaigns like the crown jewels. If you're serious about your digital empire, throw down the coin. Remember, in the game of clicks, you play to win or you whine on forums. 🏆👑

PeerClick isn't just a tracker; it's your online marketing ally. So to the penny pinchers out there, invest in greatness or enjoy the view from the sidelines. As for me and my campaigns, we're off to the races — full throttle, no regrets. 🏁🥇

Latest Rating

We use a tracker for gambling, we are so lucky that peerclick can work with statuses and substatuses, which are important in iGaming

Peerclick Information

Link owner
Diana Peerclick
Insert date
Last update
Link Rating
6.00 star(s) 3 ratings