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Follow Along 😕 Can this work? #PA24



Staff Member
Community Leader
May 2, 2018
✅ Affiliate Network: Various
💰 Extra Monetization: ProPush
🎯 Traffic Source: PropellerAds
🔧 Tracking Tool: BeMob
👍 Type of Offer: Various
💰 Offer Payout: Various
✅ GEO: Various
🏆 Target: Check if I can build a profitable campaign with resources found on this forum

This time I wanna try something new.

I’ll try to use this Follow along to see if we can find everything we need on the Afflift forum to build a profitable campaign using PropellerAds as a traffic source.

So this follow along will be divided into a few chapters, where I’ll cover different topics like which tools to use, how to find offers, what landing pages to test, where to host them, how to optimise campaigns etc.

Rather than sharing a specific geo or offer that I’m running, I’ll focus on covering the steps and methods I used along the way.

This is what I had in mind:
  1. Choosing a tracker
  2. Looking for offers
  3. Landing pages
  4. Additional monetization methods
  5. Push messages
  6. Launching a campaign
  7. Optimization tools/methods
  8. Using a whitelist
  9. Results
I will then combine all the stuff from chapters above to see if I can create a profitable campaign using only the resources found on
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