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Guide ๐Ÿ“ How to test multiple languages with one push campaign?



Staff Member
Community Leader
May 2, 2018
When you start a CPA campaign, sometimes you may ask yourself which language to choose? In some countries, people are fluent in English also, so you might want to test your landing pages in their native language vs. English to see how it goes.

Here is an example from Monetizer for Germany:


Would you create 2 CPA campaigns, one for each language? Or would you try to test all in one campaign?

Simple setup would be that you have at least 2 creative (in this example, 1 creative in English and 1 creative in German) and 2 landing pages (it can be the same landing page, just in different languages) - 1 in English and 1 in German.

Your flow might look something like this:


If you are sending traffic from Creative #1 (English) and Creative #2 (German) your tracker would distribute traffic like this:

Creative #1 (English) > LP1 - English > Some Offer

Creative #1 (English) > LP1 - German > Some Offer

Creative #2 (German) > LP1 - English > Some Offer

Creative #2 (German) > LP1 - German > Some Offer

It doesnโ€™t make sense to send traffic from creative thatโ€™s in German to LP thatโ€™s in English right? In
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