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Guide 📉 Why are you getting rate cuts?


Staff Member
Community Leader
May 2, 2018
Tired or rate cuts?

Sometimes, it’s not your fault.


While browsing the forums, you’ve probably noticed there has been a lot of talk about rate cuts, especially for some survey type offers (that are basically traffic arbitrage).
As I already explained here:

Survey offers are sort of a traffic arbitrage offers - and once the visitor “completes” the survey, in the last step they are almost always offered a different offer (on the CTA button). That’s because the offer owner (in this case Zeydoo) rotates the offers to see which offers suits your traffic best. Also, if you’ve ever tried to complete the survey by yourself, you’ve probably noticed that there are many monetization attempts along the way - even before you reach the last step. You might see a push notification popup
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