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BIG Conference
  1. H

    Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

    It's a great Guide just s few steps took some getting used to but with repetition things always gets easier. I got some great help from some forum members which was totally helpful and made things easier for me, thanks guys! As for the 2 test Campaigns, was not profitable at all unfortunately...
  2. H

    Step 10 - Analyzing Your PopAds Campaigns using BeMob

    great thanks, both now show 34 conversions!
  3. H

    Step 10 - Analyzing Your PopAds Campaigns using BeMob

    My 2ND test campaign is finished but the conversions do not match as Bemob shows 33 conversions and mobi shows 50? Also I am not seeing the 'Column' tab this time around in Bemob to remove the unwanted columns?
  4. H

    Step 10 - Analyzing Your PopAds Campaigns using BeMob

    I had done so since your last reply but having trouble understanding some concepts or terminologies or maybe both. In Mobi I am seeing an entry with 17 conversions. What am I not understanding is how to know exactly which offer from the campaign [screenshot 2] actually got those 17 conversions?
  5. H

    Step 10 - Analyzing Your PopAds Campaigns using BeMob

    What exactly does this mean. Should I add $5 to PopAds and redo the campaign with the same 5 offers again? I don't mind, let me know please.
  6. H

    Step 10 - Analyzing Your PopAds Campaigns using BeMob

    Thanks, my AM is there now on Skype, just waiting on him to respond to my questions
  7. H

    Step 9 - Setup PopAds Postback in BeMob

    There is no urgency with them for me right now as I would first like to learn the ropes with what we are currently doing before I should look at any other networks. I am just confused why they would send us an Affiliate ID and and Account Manager's info and then no more contact from them. No...
  8. H

    Step 10 - Analyzing Your PopAds Campaigns using BeMob

    Sorry not understanding, how/where do I check this in the mobipium please?
  9. H

    Step 10 - Analyzing Your PopAds Campaigns using BeMob

    Since there aren't any conversions at all, any need to proceed with the rest of the guide on Countries and Offers please?
  10. H

    Step 10 - Analyzing Your PopAds Campaigns using BeMob

    No the campaigns had been done since Friday I think but I could not get to this over the w/e so going through the motions now. You are correct, the dropwodn arrow shows "today" so I changed that to last 7 days and can see the 5 offers now [see screenshot]. So no profit as expected but going...
  11. H

    Step 10 - Analyzing Your PopAds Campaigns using BeMob

    Hey guys, the first screenshot from this guide showing the reports in Bemob, I am not seeing that on my end as 2nd screenshot of my Bemob is showing, how can I get that view please?
  12. H

    Step 9 - Setup PopAds Postback in BeMob

    How other than what I have tried? Placed about 6 phones calls, 3 to the AM and 3 to the general office, no one ever answers a phone there, I leave messages but.....
  13. H

    Step 9 - Setup PopAds Postback in BeMob

    Thanks. It's been about a month now and all I have is the email with the Rep's phone and the our Affiliate ID after the registration but still no personal contact from them at all.
  14. H

    Step 9 - Setup PopAds Postback in BeMob

    Hello, can I trouble you to tell me how long it had taken from your signup with Maxbounty for their Rep to contact you please?
  15. H

    Step 9 - Setup PopAds Postback in BeMob

    What Freddy said! Appreciate all of the help Luke and sorry for my errors and misunderstandings, growing pains sighhhhhhh
  16. H

    Step 8 - Creating Your PopAds Campaign

    Did so, this time it removed all Adult categories from the right pane and added it to the left pane so it that correct please?
  17. H

    Step 7 - Add our BeMob Postback to MOBIPIUM

    ok got this done. On to step 8
  18. H

    Step 8 - Creating Your PopAds Campaign

    I tried going through the Categories instructions but somehow as the attached screenshot is showing some of the Adult entries are now showing on the left. I am thinking I should have 'scrolled" down the Adult list in the right pane to select all Adult entries but seems I had selected only all...
  19. H

    Step 7 - Add our BeMob Postback to MOBIPIUM

    Ok I got the Callback URL Updated but I am confused about the cid field below it and these instrutions: am I supposed to enter some info into that field please?
  20. H

    Step 6 - Setting up MOBIPIUM Push Smartlink Offers in BeMob

    Thank you very much.I tried the chat support at around 1pm Eastern after 2 hours someone responded.