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Guide ✔️ Trick to check if the site actually shows the landing page to user or not



Grand Guru
Feb 28, 2019
Most of the times, some bad publishers do tricks to not show the ad to user, that way they can use lots of ad serves from different ad companies and they multiply their revenue. So we need to get rid of them. Most of you may know that, we can add this to our page,

if (this.top.location !== this.location) {
this.top.location = this.location;

so when some publishers iframe our landing page, it gets rid of it and comes the main page. Its called iframe breaker.
But with html5, things are getting different and most of them started to iframe with sandbox attributr,

<iframe src="https://www.ourlandingpage.com" sandbox></iframe>

So with this tag, none of any javascript can run on the page, including our frame breaker and alerts.

Then what to do, how can we know that our landing page is visible to users ?
In that point we follow this steps.

0 - Make an html blank page, add an alert, saying "Redirecting...". add a "If you are not redirected, please <a href='LINKTOYOURTRACKER'>CLICK HERE</a>."

1- Add meta refresh code, so that page will refresh itself every 3 minutes;

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