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Follow Along Let's Shotgun Some Push Conversions



Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
Alright, I've been running a ton of campaigns this week, but there's not really much to talk about on them, so let's do a little Zeropark follow along since I have some money on there and I want to try some new stuff.

New stuff #1: Kintura

I've been wanting to give Kintura a try for awhile, but it's hard to switch from what you are comfortable with. This seems like a fun way to give it a try (plus I've heard they have some nice features for optimizing, which we'll need for this test).

New stuff #2: Zeropark cost tracking

So, @BeMob broke the news that Zeropark has a cost token, I want to give that a try too.

I've been driving a ton of push notification subscriptions lately and PeerFly has an offer that takes traffic from a few GEOs that I know will be cheap on Zeropark:

Bulgaria (BG), Greece (GR), Hungary (HU), Latvia (LV), Poland (PL), Serbia (RS), Singapore (SG), Spain (ES)

I have a premium payout on that offer of $0.05 since I've pushed the offers from that client a ton already. I haven't tested this one specifically yet though or those GEOs on ZP.

So, here's the "shotgun" strategy I am going to use. It could fail, but we'll find out together :)

Step 1: Setup 1 campaign for all 8 GEOs on Zeropark using their multi-geo campaign format. I will start with redirects, but may test pops as well. I only plan to spend ~$10 for this test just to see what GEOs are going to get conversions. That's not a big test, but the CR should be high enough to generate a few conversions and then I'll know which GEOs I want to focus on (if any).

Step 2: Setup a campaign for each GEO that gets a conversion. Do another small test to find which sources/targets (more focus on targets) that are going to convert.

Step 3: Analyze/Optimize

Step 4: ???

Step 5: PROFIT

This could bomb or it could do alright. Either way, we'll find out together 🚀
Campaign is setup. Kintura (@Kintura) campaign setup is pretty easy. I contacted them because they had not added the new {visit_cost} token from Zeropark, but they updated their template and it's there now. I had already setup my own template, but I'll switch to theirs if I notice any issues.

Waiting for approval from @Zeropark. I'll update once my $10 is spent 👍
Campaign approved on Zeropark. Increasing my bid by $0.001 until I see a steady flow of traffic.

FALSE ALARM: I was talking to Aaron from @Kintura and he recommended not using Cloudflare for my tracking link so I'm switching that. Campaign will be paused while this updates :)
Approved again. The new Zeropark {visit_cost} token seems to be working 👍

Got a few conversions. Will update again tonight 👍🎉
Campaign approved on Zeropark. Increasing my bid by $0.001 until I see a steady flow of traffic.

FALSE ALARM: I was talking to Aaron from @Kintura and he recommended not using Cloudflare for my tracking link so I'm switching that. Campaign will be paused while this updates :)

If you are looking for a fast DNS service, you can try Amazon Route 53 hosting. It's one of the fastest out there.
FALSE ALARM: I was talking to Aaron from @Kintura and he recommended not using Cloudflare for my tracking link so I'm switching that. Campaign will be paused while this updates :)
Were you using Cloudflare as DNS? Why it isn't recommended?
Were you using Cloudflare as DNS? Why it isn't recommended?
I use Cloudflare for affLIFT, my blog, and a bunch of other sites.

For pop traffic, Aaron recommended not using it because it can slow down the click speed. He gave me a bunch of technical reasons which I am not sure I fully understand yet, but recommended I use the default domain he had already provided instead for this test. I trust his judgement on it so I went with it.

@Kintura maybe you should make a thread explaining why it’s better to not use Cloudflare with more detail?
By the way, I’ve got notifications emails about conversions (on my phone right now) so at least I know there’s some data to look at tonight 😀
Alright, some good news. We have conversions in Spain, Greece, and Hungary so far. I will setup my first campaign for Spain since it has decent volume at a low cost so far and I'm getting some conversions. My eCPA is about 7x higher than I need, but when I start optimizing based on targets that actually convert, that could decrease quickly :)

Some friends are in town so this is going to be tough to get time to work on, but I’ll try and take a look tonight. I did setup a Spain campaign last night and I’ve got some conversion emails but my Kintura login isn’t saved on my phone so I’m “flying blind” right now 😀
Ended up sneaking on the computer :) I had paused the GEOs I knew were converting last night, but decided to unpause them and increase the budget for this SHOTGUN campaign to $20.

I won't be available to mess with this probably until tomorrow night so I am going to pause the Spain campaign and just leave this multi-geo campaign running. It should spend the $20 no problem. I have the bid set at $0.004 and that seems to be getting traffic fine (notice the avg cost above).

I added 1 RBO (rules based optimization) to this campaign:

This will automatically pause any target that is not at least break even after $0.10 spent. Not a huge test, but good enough on the target level.

We've got a few decent looking targets already 👍

I will let this spend the $20 and then reevaluate tomorrow night. Don't want to over optimize :)
Ah, that top target caught my eye so I added another RBO:

Don't want to waste a bunch of my small budget for this initial test on targets that get a conversion, but are going to likely still be ROI negative.
Also, I know what some of you are thinking "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS. THE OFFER PAYS $0.05. WHY ARE YOU WASTING YOUR TIME?" ... well, I made $50 profit yesterday off offers that pay $0.03-0.07 yesterday. Many members here have a goal of making $50/day :)

I don't know if I'll be able to get this specific offer profitable on Zeropark with these GEOs with this redirect traffic, but if I am going to be able to, this is likely what the process will look like.
Are you doing push sub? Where did you get the offer? I've had some bad experiences with those (higher paying ones lol).