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Follow Along ZeroPark push + Bemob + S9 Sweep [Zeropark Case Study]


Active Member
Mar 29, 2019
hi afflifter,

i'm rogers.social, i from china, this is me :p

last night, search google, i found here.
so i regisgter as the afflift forums member, a good words place, i'm like here, with you.

i see the first thread is "March Madness! $1k in Prizes.", i'm very interest about this, but i kown the time is up.

so, i post my first thread about the jourey "ZeroPark push + Bemob + S9 Sweep", share some tips with you, i hope you like my words.

🎯 Traffic Source: ZeroPark (push)
🔧 Tracking Tool:
✅ Affiliate Network: mobplus
👍 Type of Offer: Sweep
💰 Offer Payout: $3.5 Samsung Galaxy S9 US - SOI - All carriers - 3G & wifi(Private)

this is my Bemob Config:
this compaign split 3 flow:
  • S9
  • S9 + LP1
  • S9 + LP2

this is my ZeroPark config:
  • GEO: US
  • bid: 0.08
  • Traffic Filters: Mobile only
  • Frequency filters: 1/24
  • Creative: 5

Creative #4 is rejected, the zeroPark said the facebook icon is not suit.

Day1: optimize Tips
  1. I forgot config Campaign budget, so i loss my about 150$, this is bad thing for me :cry:.
    ZeroPark push is very huge and good, you must config your budget.
  2. i forgot config Postback URL, so i can't optimize anything.
    but the data is better than before i use pop.

the affiliate AM. feedback me the push traffic is very good, even the CR is over 2%.
conversation lead is 36, and revenue is 36*3.5=126$ (in Bemob you should config the offer's payout by hand, auto is not good in my experience.)

Day2: optimize Tips
1. i ban some Creative, like #1, the click is very high and cost more money, but the conversation is low.
even the ZeroPark.eCPA = 8.8$ (offer is 3.5$)

2. i ban some no conversation Source

ZeroPark such function is very useful, i like it.

2. the ROI is become more ok than Day1

Day3: optimize the Bemob flow

i found the Direct link is very high ROI, and LP1 is bad than LP2.

i guess too many words is bad, because noone like read much words on the phone, even the push message.
and LP2 have a alert message dialog, so cool for user.

the ROI became more better.

the bottom line:
i pause the campain, 2 reason, the affiliate AM told me the offer will be pause some days.
and another reson i plan 300$ for test + profit, but i config error lost 150$ money to continue.

from this campaign, i learn very much thing about Push traffic and bemob set up.
maybe next month, i will resume this compaign to got more money back.

thanks for watch, story continue...


  • 1553941409798.png
    24.1 KB · Views: 467
I appreciate you posting this very detailed follow along. I know many others have made budget and postback mistakes just like you so don’t be too hard on yourself. There are many positives you can take from this campaign so your next one will be much better!
I appreciate you posting this very detailed follow along. I know many others have made budget and postback mistakes just like you so don’t be too hard on yourself. There are many positives you can take from this campaign so your next one will be much better!

thanks @Luke, lose money, learned experience.
just like your email said: Everything worthwhile is a value exchange.

yes, i will do better.

thanks affLIFT forums, there are a good place :D.