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Zeropark "Best Follow Along" Contest Winner is...


Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
First off, thank you every who participated in our contest with Zeropark! The contest was a huge success and I want to thank @Zeropark for making it interesting by providing such awesome prizes.

Well, it's time to announce the winner of the biggest prize...

The "Best Follow Along" award.

We had big deliberation about this and the winner is Jonte.

@jonte posted an amazing and unique follow along with a ton of updates and insights into his thinking. You can find his follow along here:

Congratulations Jonte and thanks for being a part of our community!

Now, it's time to pick the Community Favorite so make sure you all go vote here:
Congratulations to @jonte!

Definitely a well deserved prize! So many useful insights were shared in that thread :)

Still looking forward to future updates. ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Congratulations great job! well deserved and thanks to all the others that took the time to participate. There are a lot of winners in this forum!

Congratulations to @jonte!

Definitely a well deserved prize! So many useful insights were shared in that thread :)

Still looking forward to future updates. ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Hi Magda! I own and OPM and am curious of the best way to Partner with you all as an agency? Thanks in advance!
Well deserved.
The follow along was quite interesting and gave me a few ideas as well ;)
That added profit should be a nice boost to the campaign as well.
I was looking for Jonte to vote for community favorite until I realized he has been given the best.

Definitely deserved.
Nice, I hope you enjoy Iโ€™m following you now, very interesting case studies
Congrats @jonte was a pretty damn fine FA well deserved

Great work @jonte - loved the follow along and plan to read through it a few more times for sure because there's just so much to learn!